90% improvement in Seborrhoeic Dermatitis with Dr. Shah’s medications

65 years old anxious lady, Mrs. V. K.T. visited Life Force on 24th December 2012. Her Patient Identification Number is 20435. She was suffering from Seborrhoeic Dermatitis since 1 year, which was under control with conventional medicines which were steroid based. She had erythematous eruptions with severe itching. She had done few blood tests which were normal. She had been applying various steroid based ointments on her scalp prescribed by skin doctors. They would give temporary relief, now she came to know about Dr. Shah through the internet and decided to start Homeopathic treatment. She was a well read lady who had stayed and worked in the US for over 40 years. She had shifted to India 4 – 5 years ago along with her family. She complained of acidity and burning in chest after food occasionally. She would take an antacid as and when required. She also had pain in both the soles since few months. She had not visited any doctor for this complaint. She would do home remedies for this. She was a diabetic and had high cholesterol. They were well controlled with the conventional medicines. She was a vegetarian and had average appetite. She liked sweets and chocolates. She disliked spicy food. She was sensitive to both the extremes of temperature. Her sleep was sound and refreshing. She had retired from a administrative job. Her husband was an engineer retired from an esteemed company. Her son was a technical engineer working in US. Her daughter was in educational field in US. Her husband and she have returned to India few years back while the children had settled over there. She was an Indian by origin. She was anxious in matters of health issues. She was particular regarding things working as per her way or else it would cause dispute. She did not have any major stresses in life. She had been operated for a disc prolapsed in 1998. Her father had diabetes and high blood pressure and had succumbed to bladder cancer. Her brother was suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. Her sister was suffering from hypothyroidism. Her case was studied in detail by Dr. Shah and prescribed Sulphur 30c single dose along with few research based medicines. She visited on 5th February 2013 for her follow up. She reported with around 40% improvement in her Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. The erythematous eruptions were relieved and the itching was relieved by 75%. The pain in the soles and acidity were mildly relieved. She reported on 19th March 2013 with further improvement in Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. The itching was relieved by 90%. The erythematous eruptions were further improved. The plantar fasciitis and acidity were mildly relieved. Her case was reviewed and medicines were upgraded by Dr. Shah. She reported on 29th April 2013 with overall 90% improvement in her Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. The itching was minimal. The acidity and plantar fasciitis were better by 50%. She visited on 29th June 2013 with almost 99% recovery in her Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. The erythematous eruptions were mild with no itching. The acidity had reduced very well The plantar fasciitis was relieved by 85%. She visited on 7th August 2013 to thank Dr. Shah for giving her the wonderful recovery in Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. Uploaded on 9th August 2013 by Dr. M. N. P.
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30 year old lady, Mrs. I. C. (Patient Ref. No. 6226), was a known case of Hepatitis C since 2 years. She had not been on any kind of treatment for this. She did not have any major symptoms as such but complained of weakness and tiredness. She had given birth to a baby boy about one year before sh.....Read more

A Case Of Chronic Lichen Planus Healed Wonderfully At Life Force Homeopathy

Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition of the skin and mucous membrane with characteristic symptoms, such as swelling and irritation in the skin, hairs, nails, and mucous membranes.

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A 44-years-old woman, Mrs. A. C. (PIN 15957) visited Life Force Homeopathy Chembur clinic on 17th May 2016 with extensive lichen planus all over her body as well as inside the mouth. She complained intensive itching over all the affected areas. 

She was suffering from this conditio.....Read more

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