Chronic agonizing pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia got significantly relieved in 8 months of homeopathic treatment.

Mrs. C.D.K (Patient Identification Number 18897) was suffering from agonizing pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) for more than 10 years. Pain started after the teeth extraction. She would get severe episodes of pain 2-3 times a day, lasting for 10-15 minutes. The pulsating type of pain would start near right ear, and radiate towards chin. Mild pain was there all the time. Pain would become worse by talking, sneezing, draft of air and chewing hard food. On examination, there was a mild swelling on right side of her face.

She had taken allopathic medicines for few months. She had to stop it as she was experiencing several side effects. Then she was on homeopathic treatment for 6-7 years. There was no significant relief in her pain. She came to know about Life Force through banner advertisement. She visited Life Force personally from Gujarat on 17th April 2012. Her case details were taken.

She was a vegetarian. Her appetite was average. She was fond of sweets. Thirst and bowel habits were normal. Perspiration was scanty. She was very sensitive to cold weather. She could not tolerate cold. Sleep was sometimes disturbed due to pain.

Mrs. C.D.K was a home maker, staying in joint family with son, daughter in law and grandchildren. She was calm and quiet by nature. She would never react immediately. She could easily get along with new people. She was adjusting and understanding by nature. She had become a bit irritable because of her chronic pain. It was not showing improvement in spite of taking treatment. That was frustrating for her.

Her case history was studied by Dr. Rajesh Shah and constitutional medicine along with research based homeopathic medicine were prescribed. On 14h June 2012, she reported 20-30% relief in her TN. Duration of pain was reduced to 5-10 minutes. Intensity of pain was reduced by 20-30%. Swelling over the face was reduced. She would still get the pain 2-3 times a day. Her feedback was studied and medicines were upgraded.

Her next progress report was on 16th July 2012. There was no further relief in her pain. Intensity and duration of pain was same. Her further course of medicine was prescribed. On 3rd September 2012, she reported 50% improvement in her pain. Frequency of pain was reduced to once in 5-6 days. Duration was 5-10 minutes. Intensity of pain was reduced by 70-75%. She was much satisfied with the treatment.

By 3rd December 2012, she was 90% relieved from her TN. She would get mild pain occasionally. Intensity of pain was better by 90%. She was very happy to get relieved from her chronic agonizing pain. She visited clinic specially to thank Dr. Rajesh Shah.

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