Eight years old girl from Mysore found relief from Mesenteric Lymphadenitis.

Miss A.S, an eight years old girl from Mysore (Patient Identification Number 23090) was suffering from Mesenteric Lymphadenitis. Her parents sought online treatment for her from Lifeforce on 7th July 2014. A.S had been suffering from recurrent abdominal pains, immediately after eating. Sometimes, she would also vomit after her first meal in the morning. She had complained of abdominal pain about one year before she sought online treatment. When the similar pain recurred in June 2014, she underwent thorough investigations. The scans revealed Mesenteric Lymphadenitis, a condition in which the lymph nodes of her abdomen’s immune system had become inflamed. She had not taken any other treatment and chose homeopathy as her first choice. She also complained of recurrent throat infections every two months. She also had frequent allergies on exposure to dust or change in weather. Everyday she would wake up with itching in her eyes, ears and frequent sneezing. She would also suffer from reflux if she delayed her meal times. Her appetite was very less and she would feel full after very small meals. Consequently, her weight was low for her age and she was quite thin. She had been born by Cesarean section and had a birth weight of 2.9 kgs. She was not a fussy eater, had no problems with food since a young age and enjoyed fish and chicken. Unlike kids her age, she did not demand for junk food regularly too! She tended to perspire excessively especially in the heat and could not tolerate the heat. A.S was a single child who lived with her parents and grandparents. She had not suffered from any significant major illnesses in the past. Her father was a diabetic. She was a very sensitive and emotional child. She tended to be shy and made friends after a lot of effort. She had always been a happy and active child. But since the time her school had started for the new academic year, her parents had noticed that she had become a little more sensitive, a little more nervous. Considering all the history and information provided, Dr Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed Calcarea Iodatum 30c in addition to his research based medicines. On 1st November 2014, a follow up call was made by the patient’s parents. They reported that her abdomen pains were 50% better now. The complaints of reflux were also much better. She did have colds, but the symptoms were very minimal now. On 25th December 2014, Miss A.S’s mother visited Dr Shah. She reported that her daughter had not complained about any abdomen pain in the last couple of months. Her reflux complaints were also 75% better now. Six months later on 10th June 2015, her mother called up to report that she did not have any pain in her abdomen now. More and more people are choosing homoeopathy as a first choice for serious conditions too. The confidence shown by AS’s parents in seeking out homoeopathy for their daughter’s Mesenteric Lymphadenitis is a case in point. Indeed, homoeopathy has a vast scope in treating various serious diseases beyond common colds and coughs! (Uploaded on 30th August 2015 by Dr A. S.)
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