34 years old had recurrent headaches since last 16 years. It would tend to be very severe in intensity and would become intolerable with light or noise and would sometimes feel nauseated.

34 years old male patient, Mr. S. D. M. (Patient ref. no: 5837) reported to us for complaints of recurrent headaches since last 16 years. The complaints had started early in his college days when the stress of studies was a lot and as the pressure of his studies grew, his migraines also began to increase in frequency and in intensity. His headaches would tend to be very severe in intensity and he would not be able to tolerate light or noise during the headache. There would be intense throbbing on top of the head and on the sides of the head. He would just feel like lying down in bed and do nothing when the headache would be severe. Massaging the head, hitting the head with some hard object such as the wall and pulling the hair would give him some relief from the pain. Another peculiar thing which he had noted was that he would tend to get the headache after the weekend passed off and generally on Mondays at about 11 am. Also it would be worse on cloudy days as compared to sunny days. He would always feel the headache coming on (aura) and unmistakably the headache would begin in about half an hour or so. He would sometimes feel nauseated during the headache but he never had any vomiting. He also had complaints of dryness of the eyes and a constant dull pain in the eyes all the time. He would use lubricant eye drops for the dryness of eyes. His ophthalmologist and neurologist had opined that his was a case of dry eyes and all he could do to help himself was to keep using the eye lubricant drops. His appetite was normal and he did not have any particular likes or dislikes about food and drinks. His bowels were normal and there was no problem with urination. He was more comfortable in colder climate and generally preferred to be cool rather than warm. He stayed with his wife and parents and worked for a private company. He was an intelligent man with a good sense of humour. He would complete whatever job was given to him in tine and was very punctual by nature. He had a good memory especially for numbers. Overall he would be in a pleasant mood. According to him one of his negative personality traits was getting angry at trifles. He would feel like hitting and throwing objects when he would get extremely upset. He would even feel like hurting himself when he was very angry. He said that he would get this kind of anger only about once a week or so but whenever it would come on, it would be extreme. He would tremble with anger at such times and would feel extremely depressed with thoughts of committing suicide. His anger would subside in 15- 20 minutes. He was an emotionally sensitive person and would be driven to tears by anything such as a sad article in the newspaper or radio or some touching music. He would take tensions easily especially about the well-being of his parents. He did not have any history of any major illness in the past. His father had diabetes and hypertension and had undergone a by-pass surgery at the age of 67 years. His mother had hypertension and some thyroid disorder of which he did not have much information. He had used multiple therapies for the treatment of his migraine but none of these had helped him significantly. He would keep popping painkillers from time-to-time but this would give him very short lasting relief. He was tired of trying out so many therapies without any relief whatsoever. Based on the above history, he was prescribed Lycopodium 200 repeated twice a day for his complaints of migraine. Within a few weeks, he reported to us that his migraine was much better than before; the frequency of his headaches had come down significantly and so had he severity. The medication was continued for some more time after which he reported that he no longer got severe headaches as before, he would occasionally get pain in the head but he said this was not really the “migraine-type of headache” anymore. He was very glad on account of the relief that he had got from Homoeopathic treatment. The treatment was continued further for some more time till he completely recovered from this complaint.
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