There was never an attack again...

Mrs. R. P. (PIN no. L 8540) visited Life Force for the treatment of migraine. She was suffering from migraine since 4 years. There was severe one sided headache, particularly on the left side, the pain radiating from forehead to the eyebrows and then the back of head. There was continuous heaviness in head and slight blurring of vision during the attack. The attacks would occur once or twice a week and last for two to four hours. A severe attack would continue till two days. The migraine was worse in the sun, summers and loud noise. The headaches were better with hard pressure, in winters and after inhaling strong odours, which was marked in this particular case. Besides migraine, she also suffered from severe retrosternal burning with sour eructations and heaviness in abdomen since 1 year. She was having progressive myopia as well. There was an average appetite and thirst, with excess desire for spicy and dislike for sour. Profuse perspiration on face and forehead when out in the sun, was marked. She was sensitive to hot weather. She had interrupted and disturbed sleep. Her menses were regular with profuse flow. The migraine had started after she suffered from property related stress in the family. She was feeling insecure and anxious. There was a strong family history of epilepsy and diabetes. On the basis of her case details, Dr Rajesh Shah prescribed her medicines for migraine. In 4 weeks the intensity of the headache reduced 25%. In 8 weeks, the frequency of the headache had reduced, she got the attacks only twice in these 8 weeks. The medicines were continued regularly. In 4 months, the severity of the pain was better by 50%. The attack was occasional and would subside in 20-30minutes. The gastric complaints improved by 70%. In 8 months time, Mrs R. P. reported to have no attack of migraine for 2-3 months. She visits us today for the treatment her relative, and its been 4 years now that she has not got a single attack of migraine. This is a classic example of the miracles of homeopathy which works wonderfully within a short time even in painful and obstinate and conditions like migraine.
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Case Studies

The father of a 6-year-old boy, Mast. Y.M.K. (PIN: 20975), consulted us at Life Force over the phone on 18th April 2013 for his son, who was suffering from recurrent tonsillitis. This ailment was bothering him from one year. The child was suffering from acute and recurrent episodes of tonsil.....Read more

A 31 years old male patient, Mr N. S. (PIN : 37799) visited the Sasoon Branch of Life Force Homoeopathic clinic for the complaints of psoriasis on 25th of August, 2018.

The patient had been suffering from psoriasis since last 8 years. There were multiple patches over his scalp, forehead.....Read more

68-years-old Mrs. J. M. (PIN 21858) was already taking treatment for multiple complaints, such as asthma, Read more

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