A 15 yr boy R. N pin no (L-9591) came to the clinic with complaints of hair loss in patches on the scalp

A 15 yr boy R. N pin no (L-9591) came to the clinic with complaints of hair loss in patches on the scalp, which he had detected 4 days back. There were 3 patches on the scalp one in front and two on sides. He also had complaints of dandruff since 2 yrs . He also had acne since 2 yrs on his face and back due to dandruff. The eruptions were pustular He was obese (95.5 kg. He had average appetite and had craving for spicy food. His thirst was normal Bowel movements was satisfactory. He did not have history of any major illness in the past. His father was hypertensive, grandmother had history of cancer and grandfather was Diabetic. By nature he was short tempered, reserved, ambitious On the basis of above case details Dr.Shahs research based medicines was given. Within two month of starting treatment one of the patches on the scalp was better. and regrowth was achieved in all aerate patches and acne had also improved.
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Case Studies

Twenty seven years old female Ms. K.B (Patient Identification Number 17347) from US contacted Life Force on 12th February 2010 for the complaint of Hair Fall. She started loosing hair after her 2nd delivery which was 3 years back. She was continuously loosing hair since last 3 years. She would lo.....Read more

A 33-years-old man, Mr. P.A.G. (Pin no-24175) consulted at Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of liver cirrhosis on 26th November 2014. His liver cirrhosis was diagnosed six months back. The patient visited our centre with the symptoms of tenderness under and below his right-side ribs. This.....Read more

A 47-years-old homemaker, Mrs. S.U.D. visited Life Force on 20th September 2010. She had gradually developed weakness in her lower body.

This had started around 1992 when her weakness was so much that she could even not kick the football too far. Gradually, she felt that her walking had.....Read more

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