Hair fall with oily scalp treated with good result

24 years old female Miss S.J.P. [PIN 9697] visited Life Force on 13 June 2007. She was suffering from hair fall since the last one year. Her scalp and face would become oily. Previously she did not face any such problem. In the last one year there was a distinct change. The scalp and face skin had become oily. She had to wash the head every alternate day, and she saw huge hair loss. She was loosing 100-200 hair strands per day. The face skin had also become one shade darker. Her case was examined in detail. She was a final year MBA student. She had a craving for sweets and spicy and sour food. She was fair and good looking. Her father was a diamond merchant. Her mother was a home maker. Her sister was married and settled in the USA. She was a reserved and short tempered girl. She was straight forward. She had faced major stress in the past one year. There were four deaths in her family in the last one year. She was close to the people who expired, one of maternal aunty, her paternal uncle and her maternal grandmother had expired. This had lead to severe grief. She was mostly sad and gloomy and preferred to be alone. Dr Shah examined her and prescribed Natrum-Mur 30 C and a research based remedy. He advised her to avoid deep fried and oily food. She was advised to avoid cosmetics and fairness creams. She was advised for a balanced diet. In her first follow up she said that there was no major change in her hair fall. The remedy was upgraded to 200 C potency and Thuja 200 C was added. Gradually she reported reduction in her hair fall. The skin was still oily. On 18 November 2007, she visited the center personally. The skin was better; the skin was not so oily. She had very good reduction in her hair falling. She would take head bath once in 4-5 days. Her treatment was continued for another six months. She had recovered completely from the hair falling. The skin was just normal, like before. She also recovered from the sadness and she had become cheerful. Homeopathy works beneficially on the skin and hair and is best suited when the skin or hair has changed texture. It helps to return to normalcy. Excess oiliness, excess dryness later on lead to disease conditions. Homeopathy will help to rectify these conditions internally. Homeopathy is very beneficial to stop hair fall, especially when stress is responsible for hair falling.

Uploaded on 4th January 2012 by Dr.AP

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