Case-2: Forty two years old Bank Professional, finds successful treatment for Erectile Dysfunction induced by side effects of conventional treatment gets treated successfully at Lifeforce Homoeopathy.

Forty two years old Mr V.P.B.(Patient Identification No27333) visited at Lifeforce Vashi Clinic, for the complaints of Erectile Dysfunction on 22nd November 2015 .He started suffering with this complaint since around 6-8 months before visiting at Lifeforce clinic.As a result of this complaint he would face the complaints of late and weak erection, premature ejaculation.He also mentioned that sometimes there would be sudden loss of erection.He continued to have normal libido despite of all the complaints associated with erectile dysfunction.

It was found during consultation that he had been taking Tab Finasteride for the complaints of Male pattern baldness for quite a considerable time. Erectile dysfunction thus could have been due to possible side effect of finasteride tablet (which inhibits conversion of testosterone in DHT and thus gives rise to sexual dysfunction). He also revealed that there he had been under psychological stress since his father was not well and was hospitalized.Also his Job was quite a stressful job where he wouldn’t get any free time except for a very small lunch break.He also acknowledged psychological factors as the possible cause of erectile dysfuction .So far he hadn’t been under any treatment for erectile dysfunction

Along with this he also had complaints of hair fall, and male pattern baldness of grade VI.Male pattern baldness was quite advanced with his hairline receded till vertex.There was a prominent hair thinning and reduced hair density in frontal and parietal areas of scalp.He reported that there was profound hair fall

after he had suffered with Typhoid at the age of twenty nine years.He was not undergoing any treatment for hair fall and male pattern baldness when he visited at Life force clinic for treatment.He also had complaints of chronic constipation since twelve to fifteen years.He would get unsatisfied stools and would get urge for passing stools every time after drinking tea.He also reported to have complaints of tingling in toes which had started just ten days back and would last merely for 15-20 minutes after which it would subside

As apart of dietary habits his main preference was for a vegetarian food but along with it he would also have eggs for which he exhibited a special liking amongst other foods.He didn’t had any specific disliking towards any specific food.He had habit of occasional social drinking.He was equally sensitive towards both hot and cold weather and would get profuse offensive sweating on nose, back and forehand.While he didn’t had any problem related to urination he reported to have unsatisfied stools every day as apart of his bowel habits.He would get a sound sleep and would get dreams of dead family members and dead friends sometimes.

As apart of physical constitution he was an obese person with average height and moderately dark complexion. He was a banker by profession and his wife was a homemaker.He had two daughters.While his elder daughter was ten years old his younger daughter was seven years old.His father was retired and his brother was a General Surgeon.He shared good relationship with everyone in a family.

He didn’t encountered any major stress full situations in his life. He suffered with Typhoid at the age of twenty nine years. In his family only his mother suffered with Diabetes Mellitus.Otherwise there was no history of major diseases in his family.

As apart of his mental features he described himself as a person with moderately angry temperament. He would get angry when things won’t go according to his way and would react quickly when angry.

Dr Shah studied and analyzed his case and prescribed him some research based medicines. During his first follow up on 3rd January 2016 he reported to have no improvement in complaints of Erectile Dysfunction.Whereas there was slight improvement seen in complaints of male pattern baldness and hair fall.As per his follow up some rectification was done in his medicines.

Patient then reported back on 18th March for his 2nd Follow up when he reported that there was slight improvement of around fifteen to twenty percent in complaints of Erectile Dysfunction.This time he reported that there was some increase in the complaints of hair fall since twenty days.He mentioned that he would loose around 5-6 strands of hair during combing.

During his 3rd Follow up on 15th May he mentioned that thee was around fifty percent improvement in complaints of Erectile Dysfunction. There was betterment fifty percent in all the symptoms related to Erectile Dysfunction like sudden loss of erection, late and weak erection,premature ejaculation.He also reported that he didn’t had much improvement in complaints of hair fall and male pattern baldness.

He thus continued to with the treatment to obtain total relief in complaints of erectile dysfunction and hair fall. Homoeopathy thus can give wonderful results in complaints like Erectile Dysfunction for which the conventional treatment has limited scope and limited chances of betterment.

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