Case-1: Painful headaches knocked off with Homeopathy

Thirty-four-year-old lady, Mrs. L.S. (Patient Identification No: 10550) visited Life Force on 5th April 2008 for the treatment of Headache and muscular pains.

She presented with complaints of tension headache since 1-2 years. She suffered from left-sided headache. Pain would settle over left temporal region and left eye. She had severe pain during the episode. She got such headache, once every 10-15 days. Her headache would increase when she was fasting and she would feel better by pressure and sleep. During the episode of headache, she refrained from work and eating. She would like to sleep whole day and desired to be alone. She would make mistakes in her work. She occasionally had acidity along with headache. Along with the headache, she was suffering from severe pain, tingling and numbness in left hand and left leg since 4-5 months. She suffered from these complaints 2-3 days in a week. She was unable to sleep because of that severe pain and numbness. Her complaints aggravated at night. Her complaints also increased with anger, stress, anxiety and thoughts. She felt better by pressure.

She was a vegetarian by diet. She had particular liking for spicy, sour and sweet food items. She was sensitive to cold temperature. Her bowel movements were normal and menses were regular.

She was working in the loan department of a Government agency. Her husband was a businessman. She had 2 daughters. She had 4 sisters. She was the eldest of all. Her father had expired due to heart attack. She had taken responsibility of her family at very young age.

By nature, she was irritable, aggressive and sensitive. She would keep brooding over little things. She took stress regarding her job and family and their responsibilities.

Her mother was suffering from heart disease and diabetes mellitus. Before two years, she had suffered from sinusitis and throat pain.

Dr. Shah studied her case details and prescribed Sepia 200 along with his research based medicine for headache.

With four months of treatment, she was 60% better. Her frequency and intensity of headache reduced exceptionally. Her muscular pains, numbness and tingling of hand and legs was also better. She still occasionally had acidity and gases with eructations. Some alterations were made in the prescription by Dr. Shah.

After four months of treatment, her muscular pains were 90% better. Her frequency of headache had come down to once in 2 months. The intensity of headache was very mild. Her complaints of acidity and gases were also improving considerably.

After 6 months of treatment, her headache complaints had become negligible. She hardly had any episodes of headache now. She still very rarely had muscular pain in left hand with numbness. Acidity complaint was further better. She had now developed a new complaint of breathlessness with cough. Medicines were prescribed taking her new complaint into consideration.

After another 4 months of treatment she reported of significant improvement in her respiratory complaints. Her headache and muscular pain complaints were 98% better. She was continued homeopathic medicines to prevent further relapses.

Since then, she has been taking our treatment on and off for any acute complaints. She regularly visits the clinic. In her last visit, she mentioned that in these 4 years of treatment she rarely suffered from an severe episode of headache. She has developed complaints related to allergic bronchitis, for which she is presently taking the treatment but her headache and muscular pains disappeared completely.

Homeopathy has wonderful benefits in cases of headaches and muscular pains. Regular treatment under the care of expert doctors brings noticeable results.

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