Bleeding in stools stopped completely in a case of Ulcerative Colitis with Homeopathy

Mrs. S.J.G. (Patient Identification No: 18702); a thirty-four-year-old lady visited Life Force on 28th March 2012 for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

She presented with complaints of pain in abdomen, bleeding in stools, bloating of abdomen, flatulence and 2-3 loose stools per day. She suffering from these complaints since 5 months. Her complaints would aggravate after having spicy food. Three days before she had an acute episode of ulcerative colitis and was admitted to hospital. She was given antibiotics, painkillers and anti-emetics. She was unable to tolerate the high dose of conventional medicines, her complaints increased and she developed gastritis. She had weakness, dizziness and dehydrated feeling along with her gastric complaints. Her colon biopsy report were suggestive of moderate focal active colitis. She had taken homeopathic treatment from a local doctor in the past, which had given her some relief but had not helped in controlling her relapses. She had thus discontinued treatment and wanted to start with homeopathic treatment under Dr. Shah.

She was non-vegetarian by diet. Her appetite had completely diminished. Her thirst was average. She was sensitive to cold weather. Her perspiration, urination, menses and sleep were normal. She did not suffer from any major illness in the past. Her father was suffering from hypertension.

She had become irritable due to her complaints. She also looked emotionally stressed.

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed her researched based medicine for ulcerative colitis. He also advised her to consult a gastroenterologist for the management of her acute infection.

She called up on 23rd April 2012 and reported of considerable improvement in her symptoms. She only complained of flatulence and weakness and also mentioned that she suffered from dengue and chicken pox before 3 weeks and was admitted to the hospital for the same. Some changes were made in her prescription by Dr. Shah and medicines were sent to her.

After 6 months of regular follow-up, she reported on 5th October 2012 that there was remarkable improvement in her ulcerative colitis. There was no acute episode since last 6 months. Her stools were well formed, with no bleeding and the frequency of stool had come to once/day. Her abdominal pain and flatulence complaints were also better. She occasionally had mucus with stools. Her appetite had increased.

After 1 year of treatment, she reported on 9th Sept 2013 with mild pain and burning in abdomen. She also complained for flatulence and weakness. There was occasional mucus with stools and frequency of stools had increased to 1-2 times/day since 1 week. There was no episode of bleeding with stools since 8 months. She also expressed that she was stressed as she had changed a job and was also going through marital separation. Her case was reviewed and her medicines were upgraded by Dr. Shah.

After another 8 months of treatment, she visited on 27th May 2014, she reported that she was completely better since 7 months, but there has been mild increase in the complaints of flatulence and weakness. Her stools were not well formed since 1 month. She was happy to report no episode of bleeding in stools since 1 year. She was staying alone and was mostly eating outside food and thus her complaints had aggravated since a month. She is continuing our medicines for further management of her disease.

In cases of chronic ulcerative colitis, disease progression can be controlled and relapses can be prevented with deep acting homeopathic medicines. Stress can trigger ulcerative colitis, however with homeopathic medicines, the frequency, intensity and duration of the episodes can be effectively managed.

(Case study prepared by Dr. K.M)

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