Rare but not impossible! Miraculous improvement in bilateral symmetrical variety of vitiligo affecting lips and fingertips.

This case is of a young boy, Master A B, seven years old (Patient Identification Number - 20633), who visited Life Force on 9th February 2013. He came from New Delhi with his parents for the treatment of Vitiligo. His parents had recently noticed some hypopigmented spots developing over his lips and around fingertips since the past three - four months and some new spots were noticed on his feet as well since past fifteen days. It was a clear cut case of bilateral symmetrical variety of Vitiligo affecting the MCJs (muco-cutaneous junctions). There was a positive family history of Vitiligo in family, with maternal grandmother suffering from the same disease. Thyroid Profile was done recently in February 2013 and it was normal. All the other general parameters were in the normal range. 

He was currently on some immuno-suppressant in the form of local application since last three - four days. In the past, he had taken allopathic treatment for couple of weeks but that did not give any relief. 

Apart from this, he had complaints of frequent colds, since last one to two years. He would catch cold whenever he had something cold, the only complaints being thick, greenish nasal discharge followed by cough once in every three months. Every episode would last for four to five days after giving antibiotics. 


Physical Generals :

He had a normal vegetarian diet with a specific liking for junk food. He was thirstless and could manage with less than three glasses of water in a day. He would perspire profusely on his forehead but, in general, he was very sensitive to cold weather. His bowels and bladder movements were regular. He had sound sleep with occasional dreams of fighting with someone. 

Past History : He had not suffer from any major disease / infection in the past.

Family History : His maternal grandmother had vitiligo while his maternal grandfather suffered from Under active Thyroid and Diabetes Mellitus.

His family consisted of his parents, both working. He was studying in first standard when he visited Life Force for the first time.



Being a single child, he was pretty stubborn and headstrong. He had a very hot temper which was expressed in form of shouting and pushing anybody who came in his way. He would always like company. His parents made a mention about a peculiar observation that he would never listen to his own weaknesses. He was sensitive to it and would react immediately. As per the attending physician, he was very hyperactive and restless in the consulting room.

Dr Shah went through the entire case and examined the existing spots in the Wood’s lamp and to see if any new spots were on the verge of coming. He counselled the anxious parents about the involvement of muco cutaneous junctions and that the bilateral symmetrical variety has an inherent tendency to spread, so controlling the disease would be of prime importance. Dr Shah prescribed him one of research based medicines to address Vitiligo as well as the frequent colds. He also advised parents to stop using the immuno-suppressants at the earliest. They were briefed about the dietary restrictions for Vitiligo as well.

Two months later, parents visited for the first follow up. They mentioned that the disease was stable, with no spread in old spots. There was one new spot on the left cheek since a month, which was expected as the patient had discontinued immuno suppressants. There was no episode of colds in the last two months. Parents complained that he was grinding his teeth at night. Dr Shah advised them to get deworming done on a regular basis and he prescribed upgraded medicines for two months.

In the subsequent follow ups for the next six months, the parents were less anxious as the disease had stopped progressing further. The old spots had remained stable and the new spots which were appearing, subsided on their own under the effect of the ongoing medication. They gave follow ups on phone regularly and medicines were sent to them promptly.

In Febrary 2014, parents visited personally. The disease was stable and non progressive. His old photographs were compared and he was scanned in the Wood’s lamp as well. There were no new spots emerging. His latest photos were clicked. Dr Shah prescribed him Calcarea Phos 200C 2 doses and few of his research based medicines for 2 months.

For the subsequent follow ups, parents reported on phone based on which Dr Shah prescribed medicines. He was stable as far as vitiligo was concerned and frequent colds had improved by more than 60%.



In June 2016, patient visited Life Force (Chembur branch) with his parents; the last visit was in February 2014. When compared with the old pictures, it was observed that the spots on his lips, toes and fingers had repigmented. The spot on his cheek had repigmented completely. No new spots had developed over a period of two and half years. Parents used to see the spots daily, so they couldn’t appreciate the noticeable difference while giving the follow ups on phone but they were convinced of the recovery when the doctor checked the spots under Wood’s lamp and there was no fluorescence seen (positive fluorescence is diagnostic of Vitiligo) 

Conclusion :

The prognosis of Vitiligo depends on several factors like age of the patient, extent and location of Vitiligo, past treatment taken, etc. Spots which are bilaterally symmetrical, affecting muco cutanous junctions like lips, eyes, fingertips, around the nails, genitals, bony areas, are difficult areas to repigment. Also, the bilateral symmetrical variety of vitiligo has a tendency to spread. The scope of homeopathic medicines in such cases is to control the disease from further spreading. But the above case is one of the uncommon cases of Vitligo improving remarkably using Homeopathy.

The case suggests a few important points :

  1. Efficacy of homeopathy in a difficult pathology
  2. Such a variety of vitiligo is never self limiting, it progresses if not treated.
  3. Chronic auto-immune diseases take time to respond and call for a long term treatment.
  4. There is a scope of research and development in the field of Homeopathy to know what exactly is curable or treatable in a disease.

Case study done by Dr Amrita Utekar on 10/7/16

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