Mohua, a female child presented with daily colds since childhood. She will have study nose every morning. She responded to medications and is almost free from colds.

Mohua, reference number, S 3534, six years old child, presented with colds, every single day, since the age of two. In last four years, she must have taken over 100 courses of antibiotics, hundred bottles of cough syrups and nasal sprays, as her father reported.

Her case was evaluated. She had severe and multiple allergies to dust, fragrance, nuts, mites, etc. Her allergy test list was extensive. She was tired of taking various syrups containing antihistamines, anti-allergics and antibiotics. Her case was studied as per the homeopathic protocol. She was a premature born child, who was breastfed only for initial 15 days. Her immunity did not develop. She also had family history of Tuberculosis, which gave her a proneness to catch respiratory infection.

Based on her case study, she was prescribed Dr Shah’s patented medicine along with Silica 30, in suitable dose. Within about two months, her colds reduced, nose openiend up, energy levels improves. Her appetite get better. Her mornings became more pleasant. She no more woke up with stuffy nose.

About six months of treatment gave her remarkable improvement. She did not require antibiotics for two months now. She continued improving. She was treated for close to one year.

She was free from frequent colds.

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A 27 years aged house wife Mrs M.T.G (Patient Identification Number 17339) came to Life Force on 21 October 2011. She had been diagnosed with Polymorphus Light Reaction (Eruption). She was suffering from skin itching and hypo-pigmented spots on her forearms since the last eight to ten months. On e.....Read more

A 29-year-old male patient, Mr. S.Z. (PIN: 19775) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for the complaint of vitiligo in August 2012.


He was suffering from Vitiligo since a year. The patches were majorly present on his chest, abdomen, and thighs. When he .....Read more

A middle-aged lady Mrs J.M.M. (Patient Identification Number 12531) was undergoing the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis at Life Force in August 2009. She had been suffering from Ulcerative colitis since 1996, i.e. since the last thirteen years.


She complained of loose mo.....Read more

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