A middle aged lady with chronic Lichen Planus treated successfully with online treatment.

A 29 years old lady , Mrs. J. B. (Patient Identification Number - 15615) availed our online treatment Lichen Planus.

She had noticed first spot of Lichen Planus 18 month ago on her left foot. She had visited her local Dermatologist who had diagnosed it as Lichen Planus. She took his treatment for some days, but the spots kept on increasing. They were spreading gradually all over the body. The size of the lesions varied from 1 inch to 1 cm and it almost covered the entire limbs. They were very itchy. The spots were dark brown in appearance.

Her appetite was average. She preferred spicy food and meat.Her thirst and sweat was normal.

She was married and had 2 children. She stayed with her husband and in-laws.

She was very much stressed out because of her skin complaint. She was trying her best to remain calm. She had Asthma and Tonsillitis in the past.

Her mother had skin infection. Her father was a diabetic.

Her case was studied in detail by Dr. Shah. She was prescribed his research based medicines, on 8th March, 2011.

After 2 months of a treatment, on 13th May 2011 she updated her feedback stating considerable improvement. The spots had stopped spreading. Healing had started taking place on the older lesions. Her prescription was gradually upgraded up Dr. Shah.

After 6 months of treatment on 22th November 2011, she reported almost 50% improvement in her condition. Her prescription was reviewed and accordingly upgraded by Dr. Shah.

On 19th October 2012, she reported with almost 75% improvement. The lesions had reduced. There were healed hyper pigmented patches on the legs, abdomen and thighs. She was very happy with her treatment.

On 6th April 2013, she updated her feedback as 100% improvement. There were no new eruptions and almost all the old eruptions were cured. She was very happy and grateful to Dr. Shah for her wonderful recovery.

Uploaded by Dr.S.K on 7 May 2013

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