Recurrent Alopecia Successfully Treated With Life Force

Twenty-seven-year-old female Mrs. D.C. (Patient Identification Number: 23730) from Pune availed online treatment from Life Force on 29th September 2014 for Alopecia Areata.

She was suffering from alopecia areata since childhood, on and off but it had increased since last one year. She presented with seven bald spots on the scalp. She had two large spots at the back of the scalp, one large spot on right side of scalp above ears, one moderate spot on the top portion and one moderate spot on left side of the scalp. She also had hair loss from the legs also in patches. She took allopathic Rx many years. She was not on medication from past few months.

She also had complaints of acne, constipation and eczema over finger and toe from past few years.

She had an average appetite. She preferred mixed diet. There was marked craving for spicy food and pickle. She had a strong dislike for sweet.  She tended to have profuse perspiration only in summer. She was very sensitive to heat. She had sound sleep but had lots of dreams of snakes.

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Mrs. D. C. was basically from Tripura, shifted to Pune from past one year. Her husband is in IT Company and she was a homemaker. She only worried about her mother, as she was alone in Tripura. She had good interpersonal relation with family members.

Her mother had diabetes mellitus.

She had complaints of irregular menses in past.

She suffered a lot before marriage. Her father expired when she was just five years old. After that, no one helped her mother. Her grandmother gave money to live. Their relation was not good with other family members. She became anxious and sad. She felt guilty if did any small mistakes also. She became insecure and sensitive. But after marriage she was happy, her husband and in-laws were good by nature and helped her a lot.

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed research based molecules for alopecia aerate.

Mrs. D. C. gave her first feedback online on 8th December 2014. There was no improvement in patches. New patches also started coming.

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Mrs. D.C. gave many follow up online for a year and continuously was in touch with Life Force.

On 16th October 2015 she reported online that there was regrowth of hair in old spots, but still, new spots were coming. In general, the patient was much better.

She felt much improvement in one year was gave her feedback online and kept in touch with Life Force.

On 13 October 2016, she gave her feedback online. Overall there were lots of improvement, hair regrowth in old spots and reduction in the frequency of new spots.

She has continued her treatment for further recovery.

The homeopathic treatment should be continued for a longer period in such chronic cases like recurring alopecia in order to achieve excellent and permanent results.

(Case Study by Dr. Ishwari, 18/10/2016)

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