Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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      Case Studies

      A dental surgeon, Dr. D.G (Patient Identification Number 10601) visited Life Force on 18th April 2008 for the complaint of chronic Urticaria. She was suffering from Urticaria since last 2 years.

      The frequency of Urticaria episodes was once in 2-3 days and each episode would last for .....Read more

      A 55-years-old homemaker, Mrs. N. Z. A. (PIN 14714) visited Life Force on 18th August 2010. She was accompanied by her husband. She was detected as Hepatitis B positive during a routine blood check-up. She had weakness along with a feverish feeling for a few months. She would also get aphthous ul.....Read more

      Master A. A. visited Life Force (Patient Identification Number - 21672) on 22nd March 2013 along with his father. He was an Indian in origin, but residing in Saudi Arabia. He was suffering from Urticaria since December 2012. He would get rashes and wheals daily. He was taking antihistamines to co.....Read more

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