Dr Rajesh Shah is a homeopathy activist, as he calls himself. Every system needs reforming at various stages. Homeopathy is the 220-year-old system of medicine, a wonderful science with tremendous potential; but it calls for organized facelift and overhauling, without which, it will not survive, as Dr Shah feels very strongly.

Innovation is a key growth factor required for an upgrade. Scientific approach and innovation if clubbed could lead to research-based development. Dr Shah is seriously engaged in the innovative research, development of new medicines, improvising old methods, reviewing the 200-year-old database, re-looking at older concepts in the light of modern science.
Research needs massive funds. Corporates and governments poorly support homeopathy research. Dr Shah’s entrepreneurial attribute has led him to build Life Force, a center of excellence in homeopathy; which treats patients from across the world, one of its kind in the world; where he has corporatized homeopathy offering professionally managed services to patients globally. Dr Shah’s research work is self-funded. It is a very unusual situation where the clinician is a self-funded researcher.
Being a lover of Gandhian philosophy, he believes in the highest ethics in medical practice. He is a teacher at heart, he is happy to share unparalleled experience gained through his global practice of the treatment of difficult diseases. Being an educationist, he intends to come back to the teaching and share his learning based on profound experience and scientific research.
He is a General Secretary, heading the Scientific Committee of an NGO called Global Homeopathy Foundation, making himself fully available for the promotion of homeopathy.
Dr Shah’s only focus, for which he is committed to using all his skill sets, is to bring homeopathy close to mainstream medicine. That is a part of his professional mission.

Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)