Neurodermatitis and Its Homeopathic Treatment

Neurodermatitis is also known as lichen simplex. It is commonly known as scratch dermatitis. It is a chronic disease characterized by itching and/or scaling. It starts with localized itching, but scratching increases itching and makes it more intense. Because of this cycle of chronic itching and scratching, the skin may become thick and leathery.
Signs and symptoms
- Excessive itching in a limited and single area like the neck, wrist, thighs, abdomen, thighs, etc.
- Leathery skin
- Raised, a rough patch that is red or darker than the rest of your skin.
- Chronic itching and scratching cycle can lead to a bacterial skin infection and permanent scars or changes in skin color.
- Itching may disturb the sleep pattern of patients.
Cause of neurodermatitis
Generally, the cause is not known. Stress, anxiety can be triggering factors for it. Most of the times itching begins with something that simply rubs or irritates the skin, such as tight clothing or a bug bite. As the patient starts scratching, the itching increases more and the cycle goes on till the skin becomes leathery.
Risk Factors
- Age between 30-50 years - The condition is most common in this age group.
- Females are affected more than males.
- History of skin disease: Patients with a personal or family history of eczema, psoriasis or similar skin conditions are at risk of getting neurodermatitis.
Diagnosis is based on the skin's appearance and a history of itching and scratching. The following tests can rule out other causes.
- Patch testing/ Allergy testing - Small quantities of allergens are applied to small patches, which are then placed on the skin. Two days after application, if the patient develops a raised bump or a reaction limited to the skin just beneath the patch, the diagnosis goes in favor of Allergic dermatitis.
- Skin biopsy - to rule out other conditions, such as lichen planus, eczema, psoriasis, that may mimic neurodermatitis.
Conventional medication
Conventional treatment of neurodermatitis is directed at controlling itching and dryness of skin and preventing and reducing secondary infection. It gives short-lasting results. It does not treat the root cause of the disease.
Steroids and antihistamines – It suppresses itching may lead to an aggressive flare-up.
Antibiotics - Antibiotics are used to control secondary infection and inflammation of the lesion.
Antidepressants or anti-anxiety – In case of stress-related itching.
Moisturizers - To retain moisture in the skin. E.g. Petroleum jelly, moisturizing soaps, etc.
Homeopathic Treatment for Neurodermatitis
- It addresses an altered immune system, treating the roots of this autoimmune disease.
- It can offer long-lasting to almost permanent results in most cases.
- It is absolutely harmless, safe, and non-toxic.
Homeopathic treatment for Neurodermatitis is strongly suggested.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)