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Case Studies

Mrs. H.R aged 56 years (Patient Identification Number 18100) started with our online treatment on 14 August 2010 for the treatment of Lichen Planus. She was suffering from Lichen Planus since last one year. She was a resident of Durban, South Africa. She was born and brought up in South Africa; h.....Read more

Mr. K.V. (PIN: 34480) visited Life Force Homeopathy for the treatment of his complaints of Anxiety Neurosis in November 2017.  For the last 7 years, he was ba.....Read more

Mrs. R. P. (PIN no. L 8540) visited Life Force for the treatment of migraine. She was suffering from migraine since 4 years. There was severe one sided headache, particularly on the left side, the pain radiating from forehead to the eyebrows and then the back of head. There was continuous heavine.....Read more

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Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

Role for Homeopathy for Anxiety Disorders Explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

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