Inflamed thickened, scaly lesions of Psoriasis with scab formation and exfoliation at places.

    A 40 years old male patient Mr. A. T. (Patient Ref. No. L6925), reported to the clinic with complaints of psoriasis since about 4 years. He had psoriatic lesions spread almost all over his body and they were increasing since the last 1 year. He had inflamed, thickened, scaly lesions with scab formation and exfoliation at places. There were hyperpigmented marks of the lesions left behind on his skin. He had very dry skin in general and lot of itching. The itching would be worse at night and he would get burning sensation on the parts after scratching them. He would feel worse from warmth (especially warm water) on the affected parts. The psoriasis would be at its worst during summer. He had been on certain allopathic medications for the last 3-4 years and had also been put on steroids for a year. Since the last 3-4 months he had stopped all kinds of medication.

    psoriasis on palm

    He also had complaints of constipation since last 3-4 years. His stools would be hard and dry and would require much straining to be passed.

    He had loss of appetite since the last 6 months. He had great liking for sweets and his thirst was on the lower side. His sleep would be disturbed due to thoughts about routine things being on his mind. He would sleep on his abdomen.

    He stayed with his wife and two children and was into a clerical job. His childhood had been unhappy and he would feel quite neglected as a child. His youth years were also stressful in nature as described by him. His father had died at a young age and so he had to struggle throughout his childhood due to this reason. He was a reserved person with lot of bottled-up feelings. He was sensitive by nature and would react easily to small things happening around him. He would always feel very conscious about what the people around him were thinking about him. The feeling of loneliness had persisted with him even at this point of time in his life. He would get anxious about trifles and also had lot of anxiety about his illness. He would get irritated at trifling matters but would never express his irritability. He would weep easily. He would tend to brood over things that had happened with him. He was afraid of taking responsibility of anything in life.

    He had suffered from jaundice twice in the past. His father had tuberculosis and his mother had bronchial asthma and cirrhosis of liver. His paternal aunt had bronchial asthma.

    Based on this history the patient was prescribed Natrum Muriaticum 200 for his complaints. At the beginning of the treatment there was an increase in his complaints as expected due to the use of steroids recently. This lasted for about a month after which the improvement slowly started showing up. At the end of about 4 months of treatment his psoriasis was almost 70% better and the itching had completely stopped. He did not get any new lesions. He continued the treatment for another few months for complete recovery from his complaints.

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    Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease (a disease with an unclear cause that is characterized by inflammation caused by dysfunction of the immune system) that causes inflammation in the body. There may be visible signs of inflammation such as raised plaques (plaques may look different for differ.....Read more

    A 31-year-old male patient, Mr. C. M. (PIN: 13321) visited the Life Force clinic in February 2010 and started homeopathic treatment for his complaints of Palmo-planter psoriasis.

    He was suffering from it for 1 year. The lesions of psoriasis were present on his hands and legs majorly. He.....Read more

    A 28-year-old patient, Mr. S.K. (PIN: 39840) came with complaints of psoriasis to the Santacruz branch of Life Force in Mumbai on 9th April 2019.

    He was looking for treatment for psoriasis to work on its root cause and heal the skin condition completely to eliminate it from h.....Read more

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