“Obstinate Fungal Infection Case Treated Successfully with Homoeopathy”.

    Mrs. A B, forty-two years old (Patient Identification Number - 26309), visited Life Force on 25th July 2015. She came from Ghatkopar Mumbai with her sister for the treatment of Tenia corporis, Pretrochanteric bursitis. She had noticed some circumscribed red thick active lesions with severe itching, redness burning since December 2014 and developing over her folds of skin, bilateral axillae, left foot, groin (hyperpigmented spots), left side of the vulva, bilateral folds of buttock more on left. 

    There was severe itching which ended into bleeding sometimes. There was no positive family history of Tenia corporis, in the family. Her thyroid Profile was done recently on 25th May 2015 and it was normal. All the other general parameters were in the normal range except Vitamin D which was on the lower side.She was currently not taking any treatment. In the past, she had taken allopathic treatment in the form of local applications and antifungal tablets and powders, soap for a couple of weeks but that did not give any relief. 
    Apart from this, she had complaints of pain in right hip (Pretrochanteric bursitis), since last two years which had increased since three to four months. She would feel pain only when she sits for a longer time and throbbing type of pain with formication and numbness in the leg. She was currently taking allopathic treatment with temporary relief also taking vitamin D supplementation. In past, she had taken vitamin B 12 injections and physiotherapy for about one month. Recently done X-rays on 30march 2015 reveals Right hip AP/lateral view: Normal. Lumbosacral Spine AP/lateral view Lumbar vertebrae show osteophytic lippings with minimal disc space reduction at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels due to degenerative disc disease MRI (Hip joint) (9/10/13) - MRI findings are suggestive of right pretrochanteric bursitis with significant calcific tendinitis of gluteus maximus.

    She also had constipation since few weeks. Hard stool, has to strain while passing stool. 

    Physical Generals:

    She had a normal vegetarian diet and average appetite with a specific liking for spicy food. She has an average thirst and could manage with eight to ten glasses of water in a day. She would perspire profusely on her back and axillae with an offensive smell. She was not much sensitive to either weather. Her bowel and bladder movements were regular. She had sound sleep with a specific position of the left side. Her menses was regular with premenstrual symptoms like mood swings, breast heaviness, backache would better after menses. 

    Past History: She had not suffered from any major disease / infection in the past.

    Family History: Her mother had Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension
    She stayed in a joint family consisting of 14 family members including her two sons, her husband and herself.

    She was mild and gentle by nature. She had a short temper which was expressed in form of shouting and some irritability. She was a reserved type of person and sensitive to emotions who got hurt and wept easily. She had marked fear of accident and water. She was affectionate and got anxious even on small matters. 

    Dr. Shah went through the entire case and examined the existing spots. He counselled the anxious patient about the disease so controlling the disease would be of prime importance. Dr. Shah prescribed him Sulphur 30 and Sepia 30 along with his one of research based molecules to address Tinea corporis as well as Pretrochanteric bursitis.

    We treat patients from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, UAE & 180 more countries. Get an expert opinion on your ailment, click here to ask Dr. Shah's team directly

    Two months later, the patient visited for the first follow-up. she mentioned that the disease was stable, but old spots, especially on the medial aspect of the right knee, had increased along with itching mostly at night.expected as the patient had discontinued antifungal cream and powder. Pain in the right hip was better by 10% in intensity.constipation there was no change at all.anaemia as the patient had not done any investigations for the same but weakness on exertion persist. Dr. Shah prescribed upgraded medicines for two months.

    In the subsequent follow ups for the next four months, the parents were less anxious as the disease had stopped progressing further. The old spots had remained stable and the new spots which were appearing subsided on their own under the effect of the ongoing medication. She gave follow-ups regularly and medicines were sent to them promptly.

    In September 2015 Tenia corporis had increased since one week and the new spot had appeared on left axillae.itching , burning after scratching and redness was increased. The patient had started using antifungal cream and powder again.pain in right hip and constipation was better.

    In November 2015 Tenia corporis had increased since two weeks and the new spot had appeared underneath bilateral breast since 2-3 days. Itching, burning after scratching and redness was increased. 

    In December 2015, parents visited personally. The disease was stable and non-progressive. Her old photographs were compared. There were no new spots emerging.Tenia corporis was better by almost 70-75% in all body parts and itching was also gone down by 70%. Her latest photos were clicked. Pain in right hip was better by 50%. In between pain in right hip was increased due to exertion but was settle down by medicines. Constipation was also better by almost 100%. Dr. Shah prescribed her Bacilinum 200C and few of his research-based medicines for 2 months.

    In February 2016 patient visited Life Force (Chembur branch). Her tenia corporis was better but the spots around vulva became troublesome and were itchy. The spots were getting dry and were spreading. Her constipation was better by 100%. Exertional weakness was also better. The pain in the right hip was also better by 50%. Based on history Dr. Shah prescribed few of his researched based medicines.

    In July 2016 Tenia corporis was better by 90%. Spots on vulva had gone down by almost 75%. Itching, burning after scratching and redness was gone. The right hip pain was better by 10%.

    Her last visit was in September 2016 When compared with the old pictures, it was observed that the spots on folds of skin, bilateral axillae,left foot, groin, left side of the vulva, bilateral folds of buttock more on the left, the bilateral breast was better by 90%. Her right hip pain was better by 10%.

    She is continuing the medicines to recover from her right hip pain and has complete faith in Dr. Shah and LifeForce.


    The prognosis of Tenia corporis depends on several factors like extent and location, hygiene, past treatment taken, etc. In this case long standing fungal infection which was not responding to antifungal treatment got better by Homoeopathy. It shows that Homoeopathy has good scope in these type of skin complaint by preventing recurrences and giving complete recovery even better than Allopathy.

    Case study done by Dr. Dhanashree Bhosale.

    Got question? Ask about your ailment directly to Dr. Shah. Just send your query here.    

    Also read more about related diseases: Pityriasis rosea, Tinea alba, Tinea Versicolor

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