Severe case of palmo-plantar Psoriasis recovered completely with the help of homeopathy.

    Mr. B.K.S (Patient Identification Number 16005) visited Life Force on 7th May 2011 for the complaint of Psoriasis. He was suffering from Psoriasis since last six months.

    He was having Psoriasis affecting his palms and soles. There were thick, dry lesions of Psoriasis on the palms and soles. The lesions were covered with thick scales and below the scales the skin was raw and inflammed. Itching was severe. Sometimes he would get cracks and bleeding from the lesions. He was applying steroid creams since last two months.

    He was also suffering from Acidity since last 4-5 years. He would get complaint of Acidity almost once a week. There was severe discomfort and burning in the chest. His appetite was also reduced. He was a Diabetic patient, but his blood sugar levels were under control with conventional medicines. He had history of Diabetes in his family.

    He was very fond of spicy food. Thirst, perspiration and bowel movements were normal. He would feel more comfortable in cold weather. His sleep was sound.

    Mr. B.K.S was MD of a private company. There was lot of work stress. He had to travel across the world for his work. He would consider his work stress and changing diet pattern to be the causes for his illness. He was composed and precise. He always wanted to do everything perfectly and he would expect the same from others. He would constantly think about his work. He was very engrossed in his work. He would feel that he has no time left for social life. He would not get time to meet friends. These all things were affecting him a lot. He was frustrated and depressed because of this illness.

    He narrated all his sufferings and other information in detail. His case was studied by Dr. Rajesh Shah and his constitutional medicines along with research based homeopathic medicines were prescribed.

    He stopped using steroid cream after starting with homeopathy. There was some increase in his Psoriasis in the initial two to three weeks of the treatment. Itching and scaling were increased. After three to four weeks of the treatment, he started showing positive response to homeopathy.

    He gave his first feedback on 2nd July 2011. There was minimal improvement in his Psoriasis. Itching was reduced. Scaling was still severe. His case was reviewed and medicines were upgraded.

    In his further follow up on 20th August 2011, he reported 20-30% improvement in his Psoriasis and Acidity. Itching and dryness were much reduced. Scaling was better by 10-20%. Intensity of burning in chest was reduced. His appetite had improved.

    On 17th October 2011, he reported 50-60% improvement in his Psoriasis. Itching, dryness and scaling were significantly reduced. There were no new lesions of Psoriasis.

    He responded very well to homeopathic medicines. There was smooth, continuous improvement in all his further follow ups. By 17th January 2011, he had completely recovered from his palmo-plantar Psoriasis.

    Homeopathic medicine selected on the base of individual case study, incorporating the study of the disease symptoms as well as the emotional sphere, works wonderfully in cases of Psoriasis which are stress related or genetically mediated. These medicines address the stress coping system of the body which ultimately helps in reducing the stress levels and also brings a state of harmony. This case study is a very good example of holistic healing with homeopathy

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