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Case Studies

Mrs. R.A. (LFMPL PIN: 24983) personally visited our Life Force clinic’s Mumbai branch on 8th August 2017 for the treatment of her Pemphigus foliaceous which she was suffering from 2016. She had watery blisters on her arms, forearms, thighs, and feet with an erythematous base and .....Read more

A 64-years-old lady, Mrs. M.B. (PIN 31907) visited our Pune Life Force centre on 15th April 2017 with the complaint of psoriasis.

The patient was suffering from psoriasis since four years. Her disease was progressing very rapidly since the last two months. At the time of her visit, psor.....Read more

45 year old woman Mrs. N. H., (Patient reference no.: 9298) reported online for the treatment of Hepatitis C which she had been suffering from since the last 8 years. The condition was detected during her preliminary blood tests done at the time when she was undergoing Methotrexate treatment for .....Read more

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2nd May World asthma day...

Role of Homeopathy in Frequent Colds Explained by Dr. Shah

Can you consume tea, coffee and garlic with homeopathic medicines?

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