Case-1: She said “I met God in the form of Dr. Shah who healed my disease up to 90% with his medicines. May all the entire Life Force team stay healthy and happy"


Mrs. G. H. C. visited Life Force on 21st July 2012. She was 67 years old, house wife. She was accompanied by her husband. Her patient identification number is 19554. She was suffering from a skin complaint since a year. The patches were on exposed areas like arms, fore arms, hands, upper back, chest, neck and face. It had been stable since a month. It was spreading previously. She had tried all sorts of treatment like ayurvedic, homeopathic and allopathic consisting of steroid creams in the past for few months. Six months ago she had abruptly stopped using steroid creams which caused relapse in her skin patches. There was no itching, scaling or any discomfort in the patches. She had a history of psoriasis on legs 9 years back, for a year which was treated with allopath.

The patches were scattered or large, round to oval in shape, reddish raised eruptions.

She was also suffering from high blood pressure since 4 years which was controlled with allopathic medicines.

She was a vegetarian with an average appetite. She did not have any specific liking. She disliked spicy, cheese and butter. Her thirst was average. She had generalized profuse sweating. Warm weather was intolerant for her. Her bowels were satisfactory. Her sleep was sound and refreshing.

She was staying in a joint family with husband, 2 sons and their family. She had 2 daughters who were married and settled.

They had a family business of liquor wholesale.

She had good relations with everybody. There was no stress. She was happy and jolly person.

Her father suffered from Urticaria and cancer. Her brother also had Urticaria. All other family members were apparently healthy.

Her case details were studied. Dr. Shah examined her and suspected it not to be Psoriasis. She was advised to conduct a skin biopsy.

She was prescribed research based medicine based on her symptoms by Dr. Shah.

She reported on 27th October with mild spread in the lower legs and abdomen. She was explained this to be a resurfacing due to application of steroid creams. She had noticed mild improvement in the patches of hands, chest and upper back. Her case was reviewed and medicines were prescribed by Dr. Shah.

She reported on 12th December with her biopsy report stating it to be skin tuberculosis. Dr. Shah was not satisfied with the biopsy report, though it was conducted from an esteemed hospital. He suggested redoing the biopsy from another institute. He was not in favor of this diagnosis. He was suspecting it to be Granuloma Annulare. She was symptomatically finding relief. The patches on the neck and shoulder were improved by 30%. Her prescription was upgraded by Dr. Shah.

She reported on 12th February with her biopsy report stating it to be Granuloma Annulare. She was 50% relieved of her patches on the neck, fore arms, hands and upper back. The redness had reduced by 70%. She was overwhelmed by the accuracy of Dr. Shah’s clinical knowledge. She had not found such improvement with any other medicines. Dr. Shah made the necessary changes in the prescription.

She reported on 25th March with 90% improvement in her neck patches. The patches on the hands, forearms and upper back were improved by 60%. The redness as further decreased.

She called up on 24th June for further medicines. There was further improvement in all the areas of affections. It had not spread anywhere. She was happy with the outcome of the treatment.

uploaded on 15 September 2013, by Dr. M.N.P.

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