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Case Studies

A 56-years-old patient named Mr. R.B (PIN 24956) visited Chembur clinic on 25th February 2015 with the complaint of recurrent abscess and diabetes mellitus.

The patient was suffering from the complaint of recurrent abscess for 3 years. He used to get abscess frequently at least once in .....Read more

This is a case of Ms. R. M. (Patient Ref. No. 4869) 18 months old female child whose parents had availed of the online treatment for Atopic dermatitis, which she had since the age of 4 months. She would develop reddish eruptions with very intense itching and her skin had turned extremely dry esp......Read more

Mr. RAG (PIN 32274) visited us on 31st May for treating his psoriasis discomfort. The patient was working at Vijay Engifab. He was suffering from the complaints of psoriasis since 5 yrs. His lesions were reddish & inflamed with scaling.

The patient had a very dry skin along with itc.....Read more

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Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Homeopathy cannot be taught over week end schools!

Can you consume tea, coffee and garlic with homeopathic medicines?

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