
A 56 years old patient Mr A.K.S. (Patient Identification Number 13223) registered with Life Force for the treatment of residual symptoms of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) on 22nd January 2010.

He had poor muscle power in his hands. His fingers were stiff and he could not grip the objects. He was dependent on others for daily activities like brushing, dressing up, eating, etc. He could not close his mouth completely. He was continuously doing physiotherapy but residual symptoms of GBS still persisted. Although with physiotherapy his gait had improved.

He was examined thoroughly. Mild swelling was noted on finger joints. He could not raise his hands upright. He could raise his hands till shoulder height but could not sustain in that position for more than 20 seconds.

His case was taken in details. He was fond of sweets and chicken but his appetite had reduced. He was a simple person, hardworking businessman. He was a kind of person who took responsibilities and managed it well.

After studying the case details and taking all the parameters into consideration Dr Shah prescribed constitutional medicine for him along with our research based medicines. He was advised to continue physiotherapy and calcium supplements. He was prescribed medicines for 3 months.

At 3 months follow up (April 2010) Patient showed very good improvement in muscle power. He was able to lift both his hands upright and could sustain for 5 to 10 minutes. He had started eating with the help of spoon but slowly. Swelling in joints was better by 20%. He could not close his mouth completely. There was improvement in walking by 20%.

At 6 months follow up (July 2010) Patient reported with 30% improvement in both the hands. Muscle power had improved. He was able to eat by holding the spoon. He could lift his hands upright. Swelling had reduced. Most remarking thing was that he could lift 1.5 to 2 kgs of weight.

At 9 months follow up (Oct 2010), the patient reported with remarkable improvement. He had began to write a few sentences. He could write for 10 to 15 minutes at a stretch. With some effort he could close his mouth completely.

At 1 year follow up (Jan 2011) Patient reported with stable condition as the previous follow up. He could walk normally without any support now but the other improvement were same as previous follow up. Dr Shah reviewed the case and increased the power of medicines.

This time patient visited after 6 months of gap in the treatment. (Oct 2011) Fortunately for him the condition was stable as seen in the previous follow up. No further improvement was noted even though physiotherapy was continued. His case was reviewed again and 3 months medicines were prescribed.

In next follow up (Jan 2013) Patient reported with more than 50% improvement in the muscle power of hands. Swelling had reduced completely. The constant feeling of fatigue had gone and he started to have refreshing sleep. He could write for 30 to 40 minutes at a stretch.

This time patient visited one month late (May 2013) Patient reported with overall more than 60 % recovery. As patient described his grip has improved by 60% in both the hands. He can close the fist and stiffness has reduced by 70%. He can lift a weight of 5 to 7 kgs and can write normally for a hour at a stretch. This case shows that homeopathy is very effective in treating residual symptoms of GB syndrome. The patient is to continue the medicines for complete recovery.
(Case study by Dr S.B., on 23rd May, 2013)

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