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Case Studies

A 33-year-old male, Mr. S.G. (patient reference number: 13027) visited our clinic, he was detected with hepatitis-C in October 2009 (2 months back). His viral count was found to be 2720000 IU/ML. HCV Genotype-3 was detected. He had not taken any treatment so far for his Hepatitis C.

His.....Read more

Mr Yadav aged 70, (L-12039) was brought to the clinic by his brother, for the treatment of Osteoarthritis.

He was suffering from pain in the knee joints since the last 5-6 years. He was brought to the clinic from a village over 1000 km away from Mumbai.

Osteoarthriti.....<a style='color:#8c451b;font-weight: bold;' href='../../casestudies.aspx?CS_ID=8264'>Read more</a> </div> </div> </div><div class='panel panel-default'><div class='panel-heading' role='tab' id='heading2'><h4 class='panel-title'><a class='collapsed' role='button' data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion2' href='#collapse2' aria-expanded='true' aria-controls='collapse2'>Case-2 </a></h4></div><div id='collapse2' class='panel-collapse collapse' role='tabpanel' aria-labelledby='heading2' aria-expanded='true' style=''><div class='panel-body'><p><span class=Mr. K .S 69 yr old (Patient Ref. No.:11956) a pre-existing patient at Life Force taking treatment for GERD. Few days back, he reported of severe pain in right leg along with rashes and boils on the thigh.The pain was radiating from the right buttock to the right.....Read more

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Psoriatic Arthritis

Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Role of Homeopathy in Frequent Colds Explained by Dr. Shah

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