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Case Studies

A 26 years young officer from the armed forces came to the clinic for treatment of urticaria. He was suffering from the urticaria since two years. He would pop in an antihistaminic tablet when the urticaria would get severe, but generally he would try to withstand the attack.

He was on.....Read more

A 5-years-old child, Mast. M. N. T (PIN 29228) from Mumbai visited Vashi branch of Life Force Homeopathy with his mother on 12th July 2016.

The patient was suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome for 2 months. He was experiencing swelling in his face which used to spread over his whole body.<.....Read more

This is the case of Mr. V.D (Patient Ref. No. 2623) a 39 years old male patient who had complaints of eczema since 3 years. He would develop vesicular eruptions on both the palms which would progress to scaling over a period of time. Later there would be intense itching of the palms. He also had .....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr. Shah

Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 2

Role for Homeopathy for Anxiety Disorders Explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

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