Homeopathy Rejuvenated Quality Of Life Of An Autistic Child

Mr.C. S from USA started with an online treatment at Life Force on 4th December 2015 for his 4-year-old son ‘s Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Patient Identification number-23658).

The patient’s vocabulary was very limited. He was able to say 1-10, A-Z, and a few words like cow, cat, black, orange, green, and others. He used to repeat the alphabets again and again. If he needs something, then he used to take his parents to that point and then his parents need to guess and decide what he actually he wants to have, as he was not able to tell what actually he wants. For an instance, he used to lead his parents to the kitchen and then parents have to ask him whether he wants water or something to eat.

He would not be able to identify the gestures like a social smile or if someone is angry. Not able to communicate and say words like Mummy, Papa etc...Poor social interaction never used to get mixed with other Children, preferred to play alone. However, he used to play with his parents. And occasionally he would play with his twin sisters.No eye contact while communicating.

Parents got to know about his about Autism by his abnormal awkward behavior like toe walking, running fast, spinning, twisting his body, fingers, hands, rocking.Inappropriate Laughing.He would expresses his anger by crying, screaming and hitting.He was possessive about the toys which have A-Z letters or 1-10 numbers on it. Very much possessive about his toy Laptop.

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His senses were intact. His vision and hearing were good. The Audiology test was done and the results were normal.All his milestones were delayed. All Vaccinations were given till date.During birth, he has H/O Jaundice and had suffered until the age of  6 months.He has Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD ) which is not an issue as per the Pediatric Cardiologist. He has undergone the Circumcision.

He craves for Chocolates, milk, banana, mango & grapes. He spits the food which he does not like the taste. There was no any family history of any major illness.

He was on Speech and Occupational and Early Childhood Education ( ECE) therapy.

Based on detail case history provided by patient’s parents Dr. Shah studied the case details and prescribed constitutional medicine Natrum Muriaticum 30  along with his research based patented medicines and was advised to continue with Occupational and Speech therapy and ECE therapy along with Homeopathic medicines and GFCF diet.

On 14th March 2016 father reported there is a slight improvement in his speech. The Eye contact was still poor. He started to recognize his parents but still not able to say, Mama, Papa. The Biting and shouting were reduced by 25 percent. However, his Hyperactivity was still high and Social communication was still poor.

On 11th July 2016 father reported there is 40% improvement in his condition. Eye contact improved and he started to speak few more words than before.He started to synchronize the lip movements when his parents used to sing the Rhyme, he started to learn all new words from Rhymes or from TV, from Cartoon series.Hyperactivity was still the same. He started to interact with people using body gestures and postures.

On 24th October 2016 father was happy to report that there is Eye contact was improved by 70  percent, Speech was improved, 50 percent improvement in facial expression, Started to sing Rhymes and learned few new words like Let’s Go, Bye, Common etc..,

On 16th January 2017, the following improvement was seen in his case Eye contact was improved by more than 70  percent, Speech improved by 60 percent. Hyperactivity is reduced by 25 percent.

Persistently he showed improvement in his complaints with a further continuation of the treatment, On 25th May 2017 patient’s parents informed his Eye contact was improved by 80 percent, speech was improved by 70 percent he started to speak lot of new words, started to interact socially around 30 percent improvement was seen in social interaction.


This case study highlights that homeopathic medicines along with occupational therapy, speech therapy, family support, and GFCF diet work for the betterment of Autistic children and save them from being subjected to lifetime abnormality.

  • Written by Dr. Mithila, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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