Quick Recovery From SLE Experienced With Life Force Treatment

A 33-years-old male patient, Mr S. S. (Patient Identification no- 31696) visited Life Force Chembur branch on 25th March 2017 for treating his SLE complaints. He had SLE from past eight years, but it had increased since last 25 days. He suffered from weakness, joints pain, stiffness, body ache, getting tired easily, and reduced appetite. He suffered from skin rash before one week. All his complaints were aggravated during the summer and due to the heat. Due to his prolonged sufferings from SLE, he had developed irritability, confusion, and fear of death. He was on conventional treatment from past eight years, but the recurrence of episode still persisted.

He was also suffering from flatulence dyspepsia from the past six to seven months. He suffered from heaviness in abdomen, sour vomiting, and unsatisfactory stools. He was on conventional treatment for that from past six months.

He preferred a mixed diet. There was marked craving for sweets, sour, spicy, milk, egg, chicken, and fruits. He was sensitive to heat. 

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Mr S. S. was Assistance Manager in Reliance Insurance. His wife was an accountant. His son was 5-months-old. He had good interpersonal relations with all his family members.    

He had suffered from tuberculosis in the past. He also had suffered from Japanese encephalitis fever before 8 years.

His father had suffered from diabetics and heart problem. His mother had suffered from hypertension, and sister had osteoarthritis.

Mr S. S. was a very reserved person, and he did not open up easily. He was very precise even during history. He was irritable and confused person. He had a fear of death. 

Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed Gelsemium 30 C in addition to his research based molecules for SLE.

Mr. S. S gave his first follow-up over the phone on 19th May 2017. There was overall 80% improvement in his condition. His other complaints of flatulence had also reduced a lot. His conventional medication had also reduced, still he was better.

Mr. S. S. reported on 4th August 2017 over the phone. He did not suffer from a single episode in the last 5 months. His conventional medication had also reduced a lot. The relief from flatulence complaint was also more than 90% better. 


Now-a-days, people choose homoeopathy for treating a rare disease like SLE effectively. Indeed, homoeopathy has a vast scope in treating various serious diseases beyond common colds and coughs!

- Written by Dr. Ishwari, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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