Total Recovery From Psoriasis Achieved With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 27-years-old male, Mr. R.R. (PIN 27594) consulted at Life Force for his psoriasis complaints on 31st December 2015. He was suffering from scalp psoriasis since 1 year, but it was spreading on his eyebrows, nose, and upper lip since a few months. The itching on his scalp was present since childhood, but he had not taken any treatment for it. Since a few months, it was affecting his eyebrows, nose, & upper lip. His scaly lesions were itchy mainly in the sunlight. In general, his skin was very dry. Besides psoriasis, he was also suffering from hair fall since a few months. The patient was not taking any medicine for it.

The patient was a non-vegetarian by diet. His appetite was disturbed, and he did not like sweet. He liked to take meat on weekends. His thirst was less. His sweating was excessive, mainly on the scalp. He had an average built. His sleep was sound.

He was an engineer & living away from his family. He was a bachelor. 

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The patient had a history of psoriasis. In his family, his grandmother had psoriasis. His mother was suffering from diabetes.

He was depressed & anxious in nature. He had low self-confidence. He had high stress & anxiety due to his career.

Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed him research-based molecules for psoriasis. 

After a few months, he gave his follow-up on 16th June 2016. He had experienced improvement in the relief from itching, by about 30%, as well as scaling. His scalp psoriasis was improved by more than 50%. There was 30% improvement in the relief from psoriasis on his eyebrows. But, there was no significant result seen on his upper lip. 

After a few months, he gave his follow-up on 10th December 2016. There was a good improvement in his psoriatic spots. Eruptions on his scalp, upper lip, and ear had improved by more than 70%. His itching, except on chin and eyebrows, was totally cured. Scaling was also reduced drastically. A few new spots were seen on his mustache and chin.

On 8th April 2017, when he gave his follow-up, his condition was 80% improved. Existing spots on his scalp, upper lip, eyebrows, and mustache were mostly cleared, except a few one on his chin & ear. His itching and scaling were also cured. His hair fall complaint had also improved with a reduction in hair fall.

On 29th August 2017, his condition had totally cured, except for the chin spot. No new spots had appeared. There was no itching and scaling. A slight improvement was seen in his hair fall complaint. He was satisfied with the result.

After that, when he gave his follow-up on 6th November 2017, his condition had improved by 95%. Relief from all his symptoms was totally better than earlier. Only a few mild eruptions were seen on his chin. 

On his next follow up 12th January 2018, his condition was totally cured. There were no symptoms of the disease. His dandruff complaint and mouth ulcer were also completely cured. He was very happy with the result.

He is still continuing the treatment.


This case shows us how chronic and stubborn diseases like psoriasis can be effectively handled with homeopathy and how the patient can be restored to good health completely.

- Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr Rajesh Shah

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