A Great Relief From 9 Years Persistent Bronchial Asthma Achieved With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 33-years-old female patient, Mrs. S. D (PIN 4097) reported to the clinic for the treatment of her Bronchial Asthma which she was suffering for the last 9 years. She had been on bronchodilator puffs and oral medicines for the last 9 years but, in spite of this, she was never completely relieved from the complaints.

Once in a month, she would get a severe attack of breathlessness although she would daily take the medicines for asthma as prescribed by her physician. Her breathlessness would get worse due to the least exertion, on climbing stairs, in the early morning, from dust, pungent odors, and after 8 pm. She would also suffer from the bouts of a cough without much expectoration. Her cough would get worse on lying down and she had to sit up for relief. 

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She also had incontinence of urine during the episodes of a cough.

She was an obese female with a puffed-up face and had gained weight for 4-5 years. The excess weight gain had occurred after taking steroids for asthma. There was the presence of puffiness of the hands and feet. She had become lethargic for a few months and had developed an indifference to work.

Apart from these complaints, occasionally she would get retro-sternal burning and cramps in her legs. Her appetite had reduced and so had her thirst. She liked the spicy and mixed taste, and she was not fond of sweets and milk. Her sweat was scanty with no particular odor.

Her menses would be scanty lasting only for a day and they would always be delayed by 2-3 weeks. She would be very irritable before menses and used to experience a backache during the menses.

She was a housewife and stayed with her husband and two sons. There was a lot of anxiety about her family, particularly about her husband who was an alcoholic. He had quit alcohol some time back, but she still had the feelings of anger and sadness about whatever had happened. She would often weep due to her grief. She had the tendency to weep at trifles. She was quite fastidious in nature and would be very particular about the way work should be done.

She had suffered from jaundice in the past. In her family, there was a history of ischemic heart disease (father) and thyroid disorder (mother).

Based on the above case history, she was started on homeopathic treatment for asthma and her other complaints. She was prescribed a drug called Kali Carbonicum.

Within 6 months of the treatment, her complaints of a cough and breathlessness were much better than before. 

She was able to reduce and later stop the use of her inhalers within a span of 6-8 months. Her physician also reduced the dosage of bronchodilator drugs to the minimum. Her dependence on steroid puffs was completely eliminated. The complaints of retro-sternal burning and puffiness of the face improved significantly. She became much more active than before and no more experienced the constant lethargic feeling.


This case illustrates how homeopathy can be of a great help even in those of bronchial asthma cases where the conventional medicines fail to provide an adequate relief. This patient would experience constant breathlessness in spite of being on the conventional medicines, but, after starting homeopathic treatment, she was able to overcome her dependence on the conventional medicines and got a significant relief from the symptoms at the same time.

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