Incredible Recovery From A Non-Healing Would Found With Homeopathy In 82-Years-Old Lady

An 82-years-old female patient, Mrs. Malati K (PIN: 33149) consulted at Life Force Homeopathy for the complaints of her non-healing wound, which was present over her left foot from the last 5 years. Her wound was approximately 2 cm in size and its size was increasing gradually.

 The swelling over her left foot was present from the last 8 months. Hyperpigmentation too was present over her lesion. She was experiencing pain and itching, and her itching was followed by scratching and bleeding. There was no pus discharge from her wound. She was non-diabetic. She had taken Ayurvedic treatment on and off for one year, and stopped it since March 2017 without any significant relief.

Also, she had the complaints of a backache from the last five years. She used to suffer from the pain and stiffness, and her complaints use to increase in the early morning and after getting up from the sitting posture. Earlier, she had complaints of mild Kyphosis. She was a known case of hypertension from the last 10 years. For the same, she was on antihypertensive medication from the last 10 years.

 Also, she had the complaints of dementia from the last four years. Her memory was poor. She used to remember old events, faces, names, etc., but she used to forget recent events. Physically, was very active. She used to do all her chores on her own. She had complaints of hemorrhoids in the past, and it got better with Ayurvedic treatment. She was a non-vegetarian. She used to crave for sweets. Her thirst was reduced, and she used to consume less than 1 liter of water a day. Her bowel movements were not satisfactory. She couldn’t tolerate extremes of the temperature.

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The patient was mild, gentle, and tolerant by nature. She never used to complain despite so many health issues. By nature, she was extrovert and she liked talking and socializing. Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed his research-based molecules to the patient. After six weeks of the treatment, on her follow-up on 16th Sep 2017, she had experienced an improvement for the first 15 days then it was same as before. The patient mentioned the complaints of UTI and prolapse of the uterus for the first time on 23rd September 2017. Due to the age factor, surgery was not advisable to her. 

In her subsequent follow-up, she showed a marked improvement. On her follow-up on 30th January 2018, she showed 50% improvement in her condition. At her follow-up on 26th April 2018, she showed 90% improvement in her condition. In her follow-up on 30th July 2018, she showed a tremendous improvement. Still, she is continuing the treatment for the further recovery.

This case highlights that homeopathic medication enhances the inherent healing capacity of the patient and treats the condition like non-healing would by addressing the underlying cause. Homeopathy is highly effective in promoting recovery from a non-healing wound, no matter how old the patient is, successfully and safely without any side-effects.
-Written by Dr. Sneha S, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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