9 years old girl was recently diagnosed Hypothyroidism. She had been started on Thyroid supplements since the last 3 months. She had complaints of pain in the hands and legs, especially the toes.

9 years old child, baby T. V. V. (Patient ref. no.: S2629) was brought to the clinic by her parents for her recently diagnosed Hypothyroidism. She had been started on Thyroid supplements since the last 3 months (she was on Tablet Eltroxin (50) ½ daily). She had complaints of pain in the hands and legs, especially the toes. She also had complaints of recurrent pain in the throat since the last 2-3 years. She would feel a sensation of obstruction in the throat that would be worse early in the morning.

Her appetite had decreased and she had aversion to food that was not very tasty. She was fond of oily and pungent foods, cream biscuits, etc. Her perspiration would stain her garments yellow and was offensive. Her bowel and bladder functions were normal. She was intolerant of heat and would generally prefer colder climate.

She stayed with her parents and her younger brother who was 5 years old. Her mother described her as a very aggressive child who was quarrelsome and would scream at trifles, especially when she was angry. Her anger would be expressed by striking at her mother or brother. She was also described as being very selfish; she would not give any of her things to anyone and would never help anyone. She would tend to be quite secretive about many things. She would tell the opposite person “you are lying” whereas she would be the one lying at the moment. She would tend to be very argumentative and would answer back rudely when told anything. She would not bother to keep the things around her cleanly and was quite messy. Her mother said that she had good physical stamina but would never put it to good use.

Her recent reports indicated that she had developed drug-induced hyperthyroidism. When her thyroid supplements would be discontinued by her physician she would go back into the hypothyroid state; and putting her on thyroid supplements would bring her into hyperthyroid state. Her thyroid levels thus could not be maintained at normal and would keep fluctuating from the low to high states. Her T4 level was 16.6 ìg/dl and TSH was 2.4 ìIU/ml. Her thyroid supplement was continued for the time being and she was started on homoeopathic treatment. She was prescribed Calcarea Iodatum 200 repeatedly along with intercurrent doses of Tuberculinum 200. The medication was continued and her thyroid reports indicated some improvement at the end of 5 months of treatment. T4 was 15.9 ìg/dl this time and TSH was 2.96 ìIU/ml. After another 6 months of regular Homoeopathic medication her thyroid medication dosage was reduced and it was made to Tablet Eltroxin (50) ½ alternate days instead of ½ daily. This was continued for 3 months after which the dose was further reduced to ½ tablet only twice in a week. Her reports at the end of this period were normal. T3 was 129 ng/dl, T4 was 9.9 ìg/dl and TSH was 2.7 ìIU/ml. Her Thyroid supplements were stopped at this stage. After another 3 months of Homoeopathic treatment her reports were repeated again and they were normal this time too. T3 was 183 ng/dl T4 was 7.2 ìg/dl and TSH was 3.39 ìIU/ml. 8 months later she was practically free from her complaints of recurrent throat infections and pain in the hand and the legs. Her reports were normal now and he was free from thyroid medication for last 1 year. T3 was 167 ng/dl, T4 was 9.37 ìg/dl and TSH was 1.44 ìIU/ml this time.

Her medication was continued regularly and yearly reports were done for the next 3 more years to check that she was not going into the hypothyroid state.

This case is an illustration of how such difficult cases can also be well tackled with Homoeopathy. The patient’s thyroid levels would keep fluctuating from low to high due to her thyroid medication and would not remain stable at all.
What was achieved in this case?

After Homeopathic medicines her dependence on Thyroid supplements was reduced and then gradually stopped completely. Her fluctuating levels of the thyroid hormones were stabilized and she now leads a normal life.

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A 5-years-old child, Ms. A.M (patient identification number: 21784) from Noida, Uttar Pradesh visited Life Force on 14th October 2013 with her parents to get treated for her complaints of nephrotic syndrome. She got detected with nephrotic syndrome two months back when her parents cons.....Read more

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