USA woman Finds 85% Relief In Her Inhaler-Dependent Asthma

Mrs. K.H. (LFMPL PIN: 25244) visited our clinic on 22nd November 2017 for the treatment of Asthma. Her complaints of asthma had started post-delivery, after the birth of her second child in 2013. Her frequency of experiencing the shortness of breath was daily. She was using Fluticasone (a synthetic glucocorticoid) inhaler 1 puff/day since 2015, Albuterol pump (bronchodilator) SOS, probably once in a month, and Antibody injections once in a month since 2016. If she skipped the inhaler, a relapse would occur within a week. There was no genetic link of Allergies or Asthma present. Her allergy test showed that she was allergic to cats, dogs, olive, and pollen. She had been admitted 2-3 times on an emergency basis when her episodes used to be severe. Her asthma would get aggravated in the winter season, due to the change of the weather, and at night.

In her family, her maternal aunt suffered from Breast cancer, her mother was pre-cancerous, and her maternal grandfather suffered from prostate cancer.

She liked eating eggs and sweets. She could not tolerate the cold temperature. Her sleep was sound, however, she had frequent dreams of dirty toilets.

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She was an IT professional working for a software company in San Francisco, USA. Her husband was also a software professional. She had two kids and also had two cats and a dog at home as her husband loved pets. She was an easy-going and hard-working person. She would easily get angry, and she used to express her anger most of the times on her kids. She liked socializing.

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed Natrum Suplhuricum 200c along with a few research-based medicines to the patient.


After 4 months of the treatment, when she reported on 12th March 2018, her frequency of getting Asthma episodes was as it is, however, its intensity had reduced. Occasionally, she was using the steroid inhaler, however, she was continuing with bronchodilator and antibody injection along with the Homeopathic medicines.

Later, she reported on 11th July 2018 with a further improvement in her relief from asthma. Hardly, she had a major episode of asthma. Sometimes, she had slight difficulty in breathing when she carried heavy things. Silica 200 was prescribed to the patient along with the previous homeopathic medicines for further improvement.

On 14th February 2019, she reported that there was a huge difference in her asthma complaints. Every year in the winter season, she would take steroids to keep her asthma complaints under control, however, for the first time in the last 7 years, she had not used steroids. She had stopped all conventional medicines and her asthma was under control only with Homeopathic medicines.

She reported on 17th June 2019 that she was better by 85%. she occasionally experienced a mild breathing difficulty and used inhaler rarely. She was advised to continue the treatment for a few more months for a complete recovery.


This case highlights that homeopathic treatment works wonders for Asthma. Following the homeopathic treatment can reduce the frequency of asthma episodes drastically, and, it promotes complete recovery from Asthma gradually. By using homeopathic treatment, we aim at a drastic reduction in the frequency, duration, and intensity of Asthma attacks. Most importantly, homeopathy reduces the dependency on conventional medicines which have the potential of producing side-effects.


(Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)

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