Mr GMK aged 52 years (PIN Number L-8757) came to the clinic for treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome. He was suffering from nephrotic syndrome since the last 2 years.

Mr GMK aged 52 years (PIN Number L-8757) came to the clinic for treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome. He was suffering from nephrotic syndrome since the last 2 years.
He was not on steroids. He was on anti-hypertensive medicines and his blood pressure was well controlled.

He presented with puffiness of the face and weakness. He was investigated and detected to be suffering from nephrotic syndrome. Urine proteins were 2+ to 3 +.

Case Details:

He stays with his wife and two children. His wife is a home maker. Elder son is an engineer and younger son is a student.
Patient worked as a Chemical Engineer.
He worked in a big chemical company for several years. After the company closed down, he took up jobs in petrochemical companies in Africa and the Middle East.
He leads a retired life since the past one year as he wants to focus on his health.

He described himself as a disciplined person. He was involved in union activities in his company and was very popular among workers. He sacrificed his promotions for union activities.

He was previously a very short tempered person and was also violent. He described his anger as uncontrolled. Now he has calmed down considerably.
He is very social and likes company.
He has anxiety about his health.

He is much attached to his family and is always nagging his children for studies and discipline.
He is very sentimental and likes to help any one who approaches him
He had difficulty living without his family. He became homesick. So now he is not keen to go on assignments abroad. He says he has enough savings to back him.

He is intolerant to winter and he has a craving for sweet and spicy food.

His kidney biopsy dated 18 January 06 showed Minimal change glomerulopathy.
His 24 hours urine protein on 2nd July 2006 was 1596.

His treatment was started on 9th August 2006.

The case was studied by Dr. Shah and patient was prescribed Lycopodium 200 C
His treatment was started on 9 th August 2006, 24 hours urine protein was 1595 at that time. In two three months it came down to 721. It remained steady around one thousand for a few follow ups.

During September 2007, he developed severe persistent colds with relapse in his Nephrotic Syndrome. The case was reviewed and considering his symptoms of colds, he was prescribed Kali Carb 200 and a few doses of Tuberculinum 1M.
Within a few weeks of the above treatment he showed very good progress which resulted in a drastic reduction in his 24 hours urine proteins and of course his colds.

The patient is still under treatment and we expect further improvement with complete normalcy.

Date(View reports )
24 hours Urine Protien
1596 mg
721 mg
1050 mg
833 mg
1960 mg
1317 mg
480 mg
375 mg
364 mg
350 mg
176 mg
200 mg
161 mg
200 mg
192 mg
96 mg
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