7 Months With Homeopathy treatment shows 85% Improvement In 10 Years Persistent Frequent Cough & Cold.

A 28-year-old male, Mr. S.D.K. (PIN: 38890) visited Life Force on 21st December 2018 for the treatment of his complaints of the frequent cough and cold. He had been suffering from this complaint for 10 years. His cough and cold symptoms affected him every week for four to five days. The intensity of its episode was moderate to severe. Most often, he used to suffer from sneezing, a nose block tendency, and cough. There was no watery discharge from his nose and eyes. He had taken conventional treatment and Ayurvedic treatment in the past. Besides this, no other complaints were bothering him.


He was a non-vegetarian, and his appetite and thirst were normal. He was quite fond of spicy food and eggs. He disliked brinjal. He was chilly i.e. more sensitive to the cold weather. His perspiration was normal. His sleep was sound. He didn’t experience any complaints related to bowel habits and urination.


He was average by the build. The patient was working at McDonald’s. He was unmarried. His father died due to cancer. His mother was a homemaker, and his sister was 20 years old and was doing a physiotherapy course.


By nature, he was happy and jolly and he could mix very well with others. He enjoyed the company.

He didn’t have any health complaints in his past. But, in his family, his father and grandfather both had cancer, and his mother was suffering from diabetes.  


Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed Cal Phos 30 and his research-based medicines to the patient.


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On 12th February 2019, when the patient visited our center for his first follow-up, he reported only a 20% improvement in his relief from the condition. His sneezing and nose blocking symptoms had reduced by more than 50%. In his blood reports, he had vitamin deficiency; so, he was advised to take vitamin supplements.


A few months later, on 25th July 2019, he visited again at Life Force Vashi center for his next follow-up. He reported a drastic improvement in his health. He had experienced no cough and cold episodes in the last four months. His frequency and duration of the cold episode had drastically reduced. His improvement in the relief from all his discomforting cold symptoms was more than 80%. His health was very good even in the rainy weather. Previously, winter and rainy weather always used to trigger his cold episode. But, this time, he was fit and fine.

He was very happy and satisfied with the result and relief he experienced with homeopathy. Also, he gave a video testimonial.


Still, he was continuing the medicine for further recovery.



This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating frequent cold and cough complaints successfully and safely without any side-effects.

  • Written by Dr. Priyanka Agarwal, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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