Astonishing Recovery From Long-Standing Seborrheic Dermatitis In A Short Span At Life Force

A 28-year-old male patient, Mr. A.K. (PIN: 36811) visited Life Force on 15th May 2018 with his complaint of Seborrheic Dermatitis, which he was suffering from 3-4 years. During the case taking, he mentioned that he was suffering from itching and scaling during the episode of the disease, and the frequency of the episode was twice or thrice a day. Also, he had a complaint of hair fall with an oily scalp. He was experiencing sticky discharge from the affected areas. And, all his complaints would aggravate in the winter and post-sweating. Currently, he was not on any medications, but he had a history of infrequent steroidal application that he had used for 3 years.

After a detailed case study and evaluation of the details, Dr. Shah prescribed medication to the patient and also provided proper guidance regarding diet and healthy habits.

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On 25th June 2018, the patient experienced about 75%-80% improvement in relief in his overall condition. All his complaints, such as the itching had scaling, had reduced to a greater extent. The sticky discharge from the affected areas had reduced, and his hair fall had also reduced.

When the patient came for a follow-up on 20th August 2018, he showed a further 50% improvement in relief in the condition as compared to that of the last follow-up. However, his problem of hair fall had increased during this time.

On the follow-up on 8th October 2018, the condition of the patient was stable. He had experienced no further improvement nor further degradation. The condition of the patient was stable without showing further signs of improvement.

When the patient gave the fourth follow-up on 12th December 2018, the patient had experienced about 80% improvement in his overall condition. His hair fall had reduced. Also, his relief in the itching and scaling had reduced, even in the winter season. Major signs of improvement were observed in his entire condition. 

 On 7th February 2019, the patient showed further signs of improvement as compared to the last follow-up. Remarkable signs of improvement in recovery from all his complaints that he mentioned during the case history were observed. No triggers or relapses were observed even in the winter season.

On continuing the homeopathic treatment, the patient showed signs of further improvement.

During his last follow-up in March 2019, the patient completely recovered from all his complaints, for which he visited Life Force.



Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment for Seborrheic dermatitis during all stages, no matter whether it’s an Acute or Chronic case. Homeopathy doesn’t suppress the disease superficially rather aims at eradicating it from the root. So, homeopathy should be considered as a complementary first line of treatment in the cases of dermatitis and not as an alternative. Homeopathy is highly effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis incredibly and safely without any side-effects.


(Written by Dr. Shraddha J, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)

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