100% Recovery From Allergic Rhinitis Found At Life Force Homeopathy

Allergic Rhinitis (also known as Hay Fever) is inflammation of the nose which occurs due to hypersensitivity reaction of our immune system to allergens in the air.

Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis:
Here are some signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
?Repeated sneezing along with the discomfort of an itchy, stuffy, and runny nose.
?A scratchy or sore throat along with coughing 
?Itchy eyes along with the watering of eyes. The eye may also turn red or experience swelling.
?Dark circles under the eyes
?Frequent headaches
?Excessive fatigue
?Blockage of the ears

Cause of Allergic Rhinitis
When the allergen affects our body, IgE antibodies are formed which then attaches to the allergen and release inflammatory chemicals such as histamine from the mast cells. Histamines start the process that hustles those allergens out of our body that can result in allergic symptoms, such as sneezing, itching of eyes, cough, etc. Histamines are a part of our defense system.
What Triggers Allergic Rhinitis?
Here are some common triggers of allergic rhinitis.
? Pollen
?Dust mites
?Animal dander
?Cat saliva

Fortunately, you have homeopathy to treat allergic rhinitis effectively without any side-effects. Let’s have a look at a case of allergic rhinitis which homeopathy has treated successfully.

A 33-year-old male (PIN: 40963) came to Life Force Homeopathy in August 2019 with the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis, which he was suffering for 1.5 years. He presented with the following symptoms.

?Scratchy throat with thick transparent, sticky expectoration with no cough.
?He had to clear his throat repeatedly every 2-3 hours 
?Ear blockage when he would get exposed to fan/draft of the air
?Headache - monthly once 
?Loud snoring at night.

The patient told us that his symptoms used to get triggered, particularly when he returns to India (as he was residing abroad), on exposure to the draft of cold air or fanning, and after drinking the cold water.

When asked about his treatment history, the patient told us that he didn’t take any treatment so far for his allergic complaints, and this was the first time he was consulting for his complaints. His family history was also asked but no one else had allergic issues in his family. The patient’s father and mother were hypertensive.

A detailed case history was taken by considering his mental and physical generals.

The patient was a non-vegetarian and had an average appetite. He had the craving for chicken. He had an aversion to spicy food. When asked about any addictions, he told us that he had the habit of consuming alcohol 1-2 times a month. He had an average thirst and drank about 2.5 liters of water daily. He used to experience very profuse perspiration, and he used to sweat more on the head, particularly while having spicy food. He was thermally hot. His bowels were satisfactory, and he had no urinary complaints. His physical examination was done and his weight was 83.8kgs and his BP was 150/80mmhg.
He had a very happy childhood with a very supportive family. His marital life was also good, and he was well-settled in life. When asked more about his psychology, he told us that he was a very short-tempered person and would get irritated very soon. His intellectual sphere was also considered. His memory, perception, intelligence, analysis, and logic all were good. 

Dr. Shah went through the case file in detail and prescribed his research-based medicines to the patient after evaluating the whole case. The patient was asked to reduce the consumption of alcohol. The patient was also advised to follow the diet chart of allergic rhinitis given to him.


His first follow-up was taken in October 2019. The patient told us that he was feeling slightly better in his relief in the mucus discharge. Also, the frequency of his headache had reduced which was a good sign.

In the subsequent follow-ups, the patient was showing good signs of improvement.

By May 2020, the patient was better by 50%-60%. As per the patient, he had not experienced any episodes of headache in the past 3-4 months. The patient was very happy that even his relief in mucus discharge had improved a lot. Also, the sore throat complaint, which he used to get frequently, had reduced a lot.

By August 2020 (within a year), the patient had experienced a complete recovery from allergic rhinitis. He was very happy and satisfied with the treatment at Life Force Homeopathy under the guidance of Dr. Shah. He was completely relieved of his symptoms, such as sore throat, mucus discharge, the blockage of ears, and headache.


This case illustrates that homeopathy is the best treatment for allergic complaints. It treated allergic rhinitis both in young and old people. Homeopathy is devoid of any harmful elements, and it does not cause any side-effects. Homeopathy not only relieves the symptoms but ensures that you receive long-lasting to a permanent solution for your allergic problems. Homeopathy treats the root cause of the disease and not just the symptoms, thereby offers you long-lasting relief.

-Written by Dr. Poornima P., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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