3 rd cranial nerve mono-neuropathy treated successfully by Dr. Shah with homeopathy

A 73-years-old man, Mr. K.J.V. (PIN: 6667) was an old patient of Life Force. He was retired and was staying in Vapi. He used to follow Dr. Shah’s treatment for all his health issues. He was a firm believer in Homeopathy and would promote Homeopathy. On 20th April 2010, he presented himself at the center with a new problem i.e. 3rd cranial nerve mono-neuropathy. He presented with drooping of the eyelids and diplopia (double vision). He had developed these symptoms from the past 15 days. He came to the center to inquire if Homeopathy can help him in this condition. 

Dr. Shah had successfully treated him for Retinopathy in the past. Dr. Shah examined him and sought further symptoms about the disease from the Homeopathic aspect and prescribed PLUMBUM MET 200 C to be taken 4 pills thrice a day. 

Dr. Shah consulted him every month, and the patient experienced a complete recovery in five months. These cases are not routine cases, as they require a deep study on the subject, a sound knowledge of Homeopathy, and a readiness to accept success and failure. The patient’s unfailing faith and support are also mandatory for success. When the patient thanked Dr. Shah, he said ‘This success was possible only because of your faith’. 

This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating 3rd cranial nerve mono-neuropathy successfully and safely without any side-effects.

-Written by Dr. A.D.P., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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