Prurigo Nodularis Is Treated With Homoeopathy Remarkably

Prurigo nodularis is an uncommon skin disease. Its cause is yet not known. In this disease, the patient gets nodules on the skin which itch intensely. It is an autoimmune disease. Also, genetic factors play role in the development of the disease.


Many of its patients have a personal or family history of eczema or atopic dermatitis, asthma, hay fever, or some allergic disorder.


This disease is often associated with internal diseases, such as kidney failure, anemia due to iron deficiency, intolerance to protein, and other conditions, such as HIV, psoriasis, and lichen Planus.


Emotional stress is often a triggering factor for the development of the disease or its maintenance.


Let’s have a look at a case study of the same.


The 55-year-old male patient, Mr. N.L.K. (PIN: 33436) visited the Life Force homeopathic clinic in Mumbai for treating his skin issues which he was suffering from since March 2017. He had skin lesions on his arm, forearm, back of the thighs, chest, abdomen, and more on buttocks. Initially, he was diagnosed with Lichen Planus by a dermatologist. Later, he was diagnosed to have Prurigo Nodularis at Life Force Homoeopathy. The patient was suffering from itching, multiple raised purplish lesions with itching at night, and bleeding after scratching. The patient was having stress as he was facing two deaths in his family in a year i.e. that of his father and his wife, and he had a bed-ridden mother. The patient was taking antibiotics one tablet twice a day and an anti-fungal twice daily since June 2017.


Also, he was suffering from hypertension for the past 5-6 years and diabetes for the past 8 months. He had undergone the right hip replacement in July 2017.


Generally, the patient was taking alcohol daily in the last 20 years and tobacco 3-4 times a day. He used to sweat profusely on his forehead and face. The patient was obese and flabby. His sleep was disturbed due to the itching.


There was persistent illness in his family in the last 1 year. First, his father passed away, then his wife, and later his mother was bed-ridden. He was anxious about the future. The son was sitting at home due to all the health issues with a history of asthma.


He was continuing Cosvate (corticosteroid) LA since March 2017.


Based on these above details, some research-based remedy was given to the patient. (Name eliminated just to avoid self-prescription by the patients)



After 1.5 months of homeopathic treatment, the patient came with 25% relief in the lesions on his arms and forearms. The frequency of topical corticosteroids had also reduced. Now, he was applying it once in 2-3 days. His bleeding on scratching came under complete control. Now, he no longer needed to scratch the skin.


After following homeopathic treatment for 4 months, he had 25% relief in his lesions on the thighs. He stopped the local application of steroids and was stable. His relief was improving.


After following homeopathic treatment for 6 months, his skin patches on arms, thighs, back, and buttocks were 75% healed.


After following homeopathic treatment for 10 months, the patient got 75% relief in all the spots. Only post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation was left.


After following homeopathic treatment for 12 months, the patient was prescribed vitamin D3 and vitamin B12 supplements. He was also advised to test his sugar levels and do HbA1c tests. His hypertension is stable and he was on conventional medicines for it.


After a few follow-ups, his recovery from all his spots was 75% better. He experienced 90% relief in the lesions on the buttocks. Later, at the follow-up after two months, there are active lesions only on his forearm and calves. No new lesions had appeared.


Again, after a few follow-ups in Feb 2020, the patient was completely recovered from the skin condition.



This case illustrates that Prurigo Nudolaris can be treated effectively with homeopathy safely without any side effects. The patient can obtain great relief from Prurigo Nudolaris with homeopathy without any concerns.


  • Written by Dr. Mugdha Belsare, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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