14 years old boy with complaints of recurrent tonsillitis since childhood. Every 2-3 months he would develop tonsillitis and would require frequent courses of antibiotics. Advised for tonsillectomy by his physician

Master. S. M (Patient Ref. No. L-6917) a 14 years old boy was brought to the clinic by his parents for complaints of recurrent tonsillitis since childhood. Every 2-3 months he would develop tonsillitis and would require frequent courses of antibiotics. His complaints had become more frequent since last few months wherein he would get these attacks 1-2 times every month. His physician had advised him to go in for tonsillectomy due to these frequent episodes of tonsillitis.

The complaints would start off as pain in the throat and difficulty in swallowing. Later he would develop high grade fever (without any chills). Occasionally he would also develop lower respiratory tract infection whereby he would have cough with thick yellowish expectoration. His complaints would get triggered by cold drinks, ice-creams, bananas, colored foods, curd, buttermilk, etc. The throat pain would be worse in the morning and would get better as the day would pass. Body ache and weakness would be other common features during these attacks.

He also had complaints of premature graying of hair and dandruff since 3 years. Apart from this he had no other complaints and was a healthy boy with a good appetite. He was very fond of sweets, fried food and spicy stuff. He disliked vegetables, sour things and fruits. He had thirst for large quantities of water. He would sweat profusely all over the body and his perspiration would be offensive.

He was an average student but found it extremely difficult to concentrate on studies. He would not be able to sit for studies for more than 10-15 minutes at a stretch. His mind would be constantly engaged in some or the other thoughts. He would be so buried in thoughts that he would be totally inattentive to his surroundings. He liked company of people but had aversion to being in crowded places. He was an obstinate child and would get angry if he did not get what he desired. Whenever he would get angry, he would remain quiet and would not like to talk to anyone. He said that he would be unable to tolerate anything wrong happening around him and this would also make him very angry and he would fight for the right thing even if it did not concern him directly.

He had complaints of asthmatic bronchitis in childhood and had also suffered from tuberculosis in childhood.

Family history: Father had cervical and lumbar spondylosis and chronic sinusitis. His mother had hyperacidity and cervical spondylosis. Grandfather had bronchial asthma and diabetes. Grandmother had hypertension, ischemic heart disease and obesity.

On the basis of the above history, patient was prescribed a remedy Silicea in the 200th potency. At the end of 3 months, his complaints were significantly better than before. He did not have any major episode of tonsillitis except for mild throat pain a couple of times. There was no cough or fever during these episodes and the problem subsided in 2-3 days without any use of antibiotics. His general immunity was much better than before and he could tolerate foods that caused him problems in the past. He had to continue treatment for some more time to get rid of this problem completely. Thus overall he did very well with the treatment and was saved from surgery as well as repeated courses of antibiotics that would give him only temporary relief.

Remark: The remedy prescribed in these cases is patient-specific i.e. it has been prescribed based on the symptoms specific to the patient at that point of time. It is advisable that the patient does not indulge in any self-medication.

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