Case-6: Insomnia has promising results with homeopathy.

Mr. P M (pin L-11566) was referred by an existing patient with complaints of insomnia. He was suffering from insomnia since 3 years. He was able to sleep only for 3 hours at night. Once awake, he was unable to sleep. In the morning it would be an unrefreshing sleep. He would feel drowsy and sleepy throughout the day.

He also had associated complaints of flatulent dyspepsia. He was suffering with it for 10 yrs. He would always feel bloated. He complained of abdominal gases and unsatisfactory stools. He was operated 3 yrs ago for fistula. He was on antacids with little relief of his complaints.

He was a non- vegetarian with good appetite. There was a marked craving for sweets and spicy food. He could not tolerate hot weather, preferred cold climate. He would sweat profusely on the palms and soles. He was a manager in a warehouse chemical company BASF. He lived with his wife, she was a homemaker, and they had twin sons 14 yrs old.

He had dreams of known people at work fighting amongst themselves.

He was irritable and short tempered by nature. On detailed probing, he confided that he has a struggled childhood He was working since the age of 14. There was poverty at home. Since then he had spent his life working. He wants others to take responsibility now. Today he is 50 and is tired, does not want to work anymore. He does not want to face family problems any further. His wife looks after their children, their studies and home. He is impatient, wants decisions and results faster. His stress was related to work, managing people and their problems.

As per the above case details, Dr Shah’s patented medicines for insomnia were prescribed. In 8 weeks, his sleep had improved. He was able to sleep better. He was now able to sleep for longer time i.e 5 hours. The medicines were continued further. In next 2 months, there was substantial improvement. The sleep was further better, he would feel fresh in the morning and the day time drowsiness had reduced considerably. The abdominal bloating and flatulence had reduced by 40%.

The patient reported of a general well being. His energy levels were better and he was able to function more efficiently throughout the day.

This case illustrates that insomnia has got promising results with homeopathy.

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