7 Years old girl got cured with four months of medications

Seven years old G. B. was suffering from a small pea size Chalazion on right upper eye lid since five months. Her mother got her registered through our online services on 23rd May 2009. They were residing in Connecticut, United States. This was the first time she had got this Chalazion. She would occasionally feel itching and blurred vision. She was not advised any medicines by the eye specialist doctor. The size had been stable since past five months. They stated change of weather to be a possible cause for this as they had been for a vacation in a warm city and lived in a cold city.

Her patient identification number is 16431.

She had lately started with sneezing probably due to allergies.

Her appetite was less. She liked sweets. She would sweat in palms and soles. She was more tolerant to cold. She was lean in appearance. She had taken all her vaccinations till date.

Her family consisted of her parents and brother. She was happy as a child. She was afraid of doctors, dentists and vaccines. She also had stage fright. Her mother stated that she was afraid of visiting doctors and the sensitive to the pain. She would also feel anxious in front of strangers.

She suffered from asthma in childhood which was treated with inhalers.

Her paternal aunt suffered from smoke allergies. Her maternal cousin grandmother died of stomach cancer.

Dr. Shah prescribed her Staphysagria 200c along with the medicines for four months.

After four months of treatment the chalazion had completely cured.

They contacted us again in May 2014 for some minor skin ailment. She did not have any relapse of Chalazion in the past five years.

Uploaded on 17th June 2014 by Dr. M. N. P.

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This is a case of Master A.K.G, (L- 8329) an 8 year old boy who was suffering with recurrent tonsillitis. He had this ailment for the past 5 years. This problem used to recur at least 2-3 times a year and it used to last for 4-6 days. The previous traditional doctor under whose treatment the pati.....Read more

34-years-old Mrs. L.R. (PIN 10992) approached Dr. Shah at Life Force from a remote state of Tripura on 2nd August 2008. She was a diagnosed case of chronic appendicitis for the last three years. And, two local surgeons in Agartala had suggested surgery. She approached us, as she was not comfortab.....Read more

A 63 years old female, Mrs. S.N (Pin No. 15229) visited our center on 18th December 2010 for the complaints of Rheumatoid Arthritis and hair fall.

She had these complaints since February 2006, which was being managed by pain killers and methotrexate. In June 2010, she faced a severe rel.....Read more

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