Severer Migraine attacks disappeared in just four months with treatment at Life Force

Mr. A.F., patient reference number 21898, was suffering from recurrent attacks of severe migraine since many years.

The patient would describe the pain of migraine as severe right sided headache followed by vomiting. The attacks of migraine would begin with numbness of hands, tongue and whole of the right side.

On asking further history, it was revealed that the patient was taking a mixed diet (veg as well as non-veg diet) and would tolerate cold more than the heat. The diet and the preference of patients to cold or heat are important while determining the medicines for the patient in homeopathy.

In homeopathic case taking a lot of stress is given on the mental aspect of the patient. While, history taking, it was revealed by the patient that he was in a serious relationship with a girl when he was studying. But, the girl broke the relationship with him when he was in UK for further study. This had a huge blow on his emotional level; he was in a huge emotional turmoil at that time. He revealed that after this particular incidence the frequency of Migraine attacks had increased considerably.

On December 16, 2013, the patient was given medicine for two months. After two months he reported that there was no much relief with the medicines.

His case was reviewed again especially keeping the mental symptoms into consideration. The medicine was given to him on this basis and he was asked to come again in July.

On July 12, 2014, patient happily gave us the report that he had not suffered a single attack of migraine in last four months.

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