Case-1: My complaints did not aggravate in cold weather, thanks to homeopathy!

A 58 years old home maker, Mrs. B. K. L. (Patient Identification Number 17492) visited our clinic on 12th November, 2011. She had been complaining of severe pain in the left hand fingers since the last 10 months. The pain was continuous and increasing day by day. It would make her feel as if there is a deep cut in the fingers. The fingers would become pale, bluish and numb. She had undergone multiple neurological and blood tests which were normal. She was diagnosed as Raynaud’s disease. She was taking high doses of pain killers and Tablet Trental ( Pentoxifylline) 400 mg, which did not give much relief.

She was also suffering from high blood pressure, which was controlled with conventional medicines. Her appetite was average with no specific liking and disliking. There were no complaints in thirst, urine, bowels, perspiration, sleep and dreams. She had attained menopause 8 years ago.

She was a home maker. Her husband was a class four employee of a government hospital. She had 4 sons and a daughter. Her nature was reserved and anxious. She did not reveal much about herself. She was caring and emotional regarding her family. She would weep easily, but could handle any difficult crisis efficiently. Since the last three , four years she had become impatient and irritable.

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed Sepia 30c and a research based medicine for 2 weeks. She visited on 28th November, 2011 for a follow up. She had shown 5 – 10% improvement. Now she required to take pain killer every 36 hours instead of 24 hours. The severe pain would subside in 5 – 10 minutes as compared to 30 minutes.

On 30th December, 2011 she visited to report 20% improvement. Her pain had considerably reduced in intensity. The pain in fingers would increase after she would become angry or work in water. Her case was reviewed and Dr. Shah prescribed Sepia 200c along with the upgraded dose of the research based medicines.

After 6 months of regular medication, she reported on 20th June, 2012 with 70% relief in her complaints. Her pain killer dosage had reduced to once in a week as compared to daily. Her complaints would occasionally increase after working in water.

She is very happy with the way her treatment has proceeded until now. Even her treating physician was skeptical about homeopathy, however when she had very good improvement despite the cold weather in the rainy season, she was convinced that homeopathy was working for her. She is hopeful of complete recovery with Dr. Shah's treatment.

Uploaded by Dr. M. N. P on 22 July 2012.
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