Mr. A.K.D (Patient Identification Number 10836) was suffering from Sinusitis since 15 years

Mr. A.K.D (Patient Identification Number 10836) was suffering from Sinusitis since 15 years. He was taking nasivion nasal drops whenever he used to get acute episode of Sinusitis which would give him temporary relief. Then he visited Life Force on 24th June 2008 for the treatment of Sinusitis. He would get severe cold with ear blockage and nose block. There used to be severe pain in maxillary and frontal sinus region with feeling of heaviness in head which would aggravate by slightest noise. He would have thick, sticky, stringy and greenish yellow nasal discharge. He would get these complaints once in 15 days; each episode would last for 7-10 days. He would get these complaints when exposed to dust and in cold weather or in cold air. He had an average appetite with marked craving for sweets. His thirst, bowel, urination were normal. His sleep was disturbed due to his Sinusitis complaints. He was very disciplined by nature. He was very punctual and perfectionist. He would never like post poning the things. He was very particular about neatness and cleanliness. Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case in detail and he was prescribed research based medicines along with constitutional homeopathic medicines for Sinusitis. After 2 months of medication his cold with ear blockage and nose block reduced. His headache also reduced by 50% but would get these complaints on and off during acute episode of Sinusitis. His phlegm complaint was slightly better. He continued the medicines. After 8 months of homeopathic treatment his Sinusitis complaints came to a stand still. There was no further improvement noticed. So, Dr. Shah reviewed his case and made some appropriate changes in the prescription. After 10 months of medication, his frequency, duration and intensity of Sinusitis was reduced. He was feeling better in cold and phlegm complaints as well. His nasal discharge was now white in color. It was not sticky and stringy. He continued the medications. He visited Life Force recently after 3 years for the treatment of Lumbar Spondylitis. When enquired about his complaints, he said that he did not have any Sinusitis complaints in the last 3 years. He was very happy with the treatment.

(uploaded by Dr. VPG on 29th November 2011)

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