Chronic Ulcerative Colitis showing significant improvement in short time

Mr. R. K. L. (Patient Identification Number - 18877) visited our clinic on 15th April, 2012 for his chronic relapsed Ulcerative Colitis. He was suffering from this since 18 years. It had relapsed since 6 months. At present it was partially controlled with conventional medicines. The frequency of stool would be 3 – 4 times a day with mild bleeding and mucous. His physician was reluctant to use steroids, since he was 55 years old.

Since there was no further relief with the conventional medicine, they decided to opt for Homeopathy. He was on Vegaz-od (mesalazine); Veloz (20mg) (Rabeprazole); and Entofoam enema (Hydrocortisone acetate foam)

His appetite was average with a well controlled diet. He could not bear warm temperature. His sleep would be disturbed and interrupted.

He was on an administrative post in a dye making company. His wife was a home maker. His son was studying engineering and was residing in a hostel. His daughter was a commerce student.

He had lately become irritable and impatient. He was under stress due to few incidences in his life. He had come to know about his daughter’s love affair with a boy. Though the boy was from their own caste, and region, he was not well to do, so patient had an objection to this relationship. In anger he would hit his daughter. His daughter later on said that she has broken ties with the boy. They were studying in the same college and so patient was uncertain about it. Another stress was that, his brother in law had committed a fraud and was absconding. Patient then searched for him and traced him out. He asked his brother in law to return the money, and then helped him to settle in a business, which he helped set up. He was a supervisor in a company, off late due to stress in his personal life, he would get aggressive with his co workers, if they made mistakes. He said – ‘I have become unpredictable and uncontrollable."

He underwent a strong sense of humiliation due to his daughter and brother in law. He would feel anger, however he would not express it openly. He was constantly having thoughts of being disgraced.

He sister was suffering from under-active thyroid.

His case was studied in detail by Dr. Shah and he was prescribed Staphysagria 30c along with few research based medicines. Dr Shah assured him of recovery from this disease.

He reported on 13th June with fair relief in his Ulcerative colitis. He was able to stop the allopathic medicines without any increase in his complaints. The frequency of stools had now become 2 – 3 times a day for 2 – 3 days in a week. The stools would be sometime watery. There would be flatulence for which he would take an antacid.

After 3 months of medication he reported on 30th July with 40% improvement. The frequency of stools had become 1 – 2 times a day. There was no bleeding. The gases did not find much relief.

He reported on 18th September with further improvement. The stools were better in consistency and frequency.

After 8 months of medication he reported with 80% relief in his complaints. The frequency of stools would 1 – 2 times/day and no bleeding or mucous. His gases and flatulence were also better and he would require antacids occasionally. He had normal stools now. He had stopped all conventional medicines long back.

He is still continuing the medicines to achieve complete recovery of his illness.

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