Thirty six year old female gets marvellous improvement in hair fall with homeopathy.

Miss R. B. S. (Patient Identification Number 22515) thirty six years old, came with complaint of hair fall on 24th March 2014 to LifeForce. The hair fall was from front area of the scalp since one year. The complaints had increased since last one month wherein around three hundred hair strands used to shed off every time she would wash or comb her hair. She had applied Togain solution (Minoxidil) for two to three months but had stopped it due to scalp irritation one week before. She had also taken iron supplements. Investigations done included hemoglobin which was 12.8 gm. on 22nd February 2014 and TSH on 5th December 2013 on was 2.81. She had a good appetite. She was tolerant towards heat. She was working in logistics, but had stopped working since last one year. Her mother was house wife and father was a hotel manger. She was basically a fun-loving person. But sometimes used to get depressed as she was not successful in finding another job. She was not successful in finding a suitable life partner which added to her frustration and depression. Her younger sister was married and had a kid. Her father was known case of diabetes and mother was suffering from vertigo. On going through the case in details Dr Rajesh Shah prescribed her Phosphorus 30c and his research based medicines. On 6th May 2014 she gave follow up. Her hair fall was considerably better. The number of hair fall had decreased by seventy percent. She lost only fifty to sixty strands of hair now. Dr Shah repeated the prescription. In next three months, she reported on 2nd August 2014, there was drastic improvement in hair fall. It reduced to ten to twenty strands of hair per day. She was astonished at the improvement. She was given Phosphorus 30c , Flouric Acid 30c along with his research based medicines. She visited on 15th November 2014, reporting that there was significant reduction in the hair fall. It was now ten to fifteen strands of hair in a day. The hair thickness had also improved. Accordingly she was prescribed Phosphorus 30c and research molecules. On 7th April 2015, five months later, she gave her follow up saying that the improvement till now is stable. Hair thickness is good and hair fall is also better. She requested medicines for new hair growth and increase in hair density. Dr Shah prescribed some additional medicines to the existing ones. She was given Tuberculinum 1M, single dose; Staphysagria 200c, 2 doses; Flouric Acid 30c and Phosphorus 200c. In the next follow up that was after four months on 18th August 2015, hair fall continued to be in improved state. The hair density has also improved. Dr Shah continued with the same medicines this time till the next follow up. The above case- study shows that homeopathy is a superior option over allopathy for treating hair fall for the simple reason that it does not cause any side effects. And also the good effects last long. (Case study uploaded on 21st September 2015 by Dr M. J.)
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56 years old female Ms. T.M.G. (Patient Identification Number - 19750) availed our online treatment from New York. She registered as a patient on 8th October 2011 for her complaints of oral Lichen Planus. She had been suffering from last 7 months and had taken conventional medicine which did not .....Read more

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