A case of recurrent corns cured with homeopathic medicines
A 25 year old male Mr.P.K.R. (Personal Identification Number 20425) came to Life Force on 19 th December 2012 with a complaint of recurrent corns on both feet, since 1 year. There were two corns on the right foot and one corn on the left foot. The size of corns were less than 1 cm. He had pain on walking bare foot. One large corn was surgically removed 10 months ago. He took cortisone for a week with no significant improvement. He also had a complaint of nasal blockage for which he was using nasivion drops.
He liked non vegetarian food and was having average diet. He liked spicy food and meat. He disliked milk. He was addicted to alcohol and cigarette smoking.
His thirst was average with 1-2 liters of water daily. He would perspire daily with more perspiration on palms and soles.

He was sensitive to cold weather. His motions were satisfactory. He was a lean thin and tall person. His sleep was sound.
He was a sales manager in naukri.com and his father was a marine engineer. He was staying with his father.
He was a mild and a gentle person having irritability but he would suppress his anger. He would express his anger only on the family members. He was a calm and reserved person. He would help people in his profession. He was having fear of reptiles. He was an anxious person. He had a break up in past for which he used to brood continuously. He was a shy person.
He had pneumonia 4 years back. His mother had lung fibrosis.
His weight was 70 kg and pulse was 68/min.
His case was analyzed and evaluated and he was prescribed Silica 200 C by Dr. Rajesh Shah.
He reported on 30th January 2013, the old corns were better but a few new corns started coming since one week. There was pain in these corns with no significant improvement in his nasal congestion. Dr Shah enhanced the dose.
He reported on 12th March 2013 with 75% improvement in his corns. His nasal congestion was still the same.
He reported on 12th April 2013 with 100% improvement in corns and his nasal congestion better by 60%.
Dr Shah has advised treatment for further four months just to prevent recurrences.
Uploaded by Dr. A. K. on 20th April 2013