Hair Fall And Gastritis Recovered Completely In Just 8 Months

Mrs. AS (Patient identification number 29509) visited Life Force on 17th August 2016 with complaints of severe hair fall and acidity. She complained that she suffered from hair fall since last two to three months with about 100 hair strands falling per day. She suffered from dandruff issues sometimes, and her hair fall was from the roots. On inquiry, she said she had never treated her hair chemically. There was no itching and, on examination, the scalp was clear. The patient had curly dry and coarse hair. On examining the blood reports, it was clear that her thyroid reports were also normal. 

Thyroid profile (24/2/2012)

  • T3 - 134.16
  • T4 - 9.51
  • TSH - 2.9619 

The patient also suffered from gastritis (acidity) since many years. She had complaints of burning in the chest, sour eructations, and gassy feeling all the time. This discomfort would get triggered on eating spicy food, inadequate sleep, and having long gaps between two meals. 

Apart from these complaints, she was a known case of hypertension since five years. Her blood pressure was under control, as she was taking conventional treatment for the same. Her current blood pressure on examination was 130/ 90 mm of Hg.

She had a good appetite, and she had a great craving for spicy and non-veg food. She had an adequate thirst. Her bowel movements were satisfactory and regular. Thermally, she was sensitive to hot weather. Her sleep was sound and menses were also regular.  

Self and family set up

The patient lived in a joint family consisting twelve family members. She was married since 16 years and was a housewife. Her husband was a pharmacist in Nanavati hospital. She had three children who were studying. She would get along well with everyone in the family, and there were no major stress events in her life.   

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Family history

On inquiring about any major illness in the family, she mentioned that her father suffering from hypertension, and mother and grandparents suffering from diabetes. 


After reviewing her case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed Natrum muriaticum 30 and research based medicines for two months. The patient was advised certain blood tests for further evaluation of the case. Tips for hair care and dietary advice were also given to accelerate the recovery.


The patient visited for her first follow-up on 20.10.2016. On examining her blood tests reports dated 18.8.2016, the observed details were Hb - 11.7 (low), TSH: 1.95, and HBA1C: 5. She noticed a mild reduction in hair fall after taking the first batch of medicines. Acidity was also under control. The patient was advised to take iron supplements for one month in order to take care of the possible underlying causative factor (anemia).
The second follow-up was reported over the phone dated 7th February 2017. There was a drastic improvement in both the complaints. The patient informed that she had a great relief of about 75% in the hair fall. Also, the dandruff was under control. Acidity issues were also resolved by about 50%. The patient was prescribed medicines for two months.

When the patient visited for her follow-up on 18th March 2017, she was happy to inform that she was feeling completely better, and there was no significant hair fall and dandruff. The acidity discomfort was also resolved and there was no major episode or symptoms of acidity in the recent past. 


Diet and auxiliary measures are essential parts of homeopathic treatment while treating any disease. It positively affects and supports the recovery time significantly, and it also helps built a good rapo with the patient. In this case, the patient followed dietary measures and hair tips given to her which helped her recover in eight to nine months of treatment.     

 Written by Dr. Kanchan, Associate doctor to Dr Rajesh Shah

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